Electrical No passenger side brake light

WD40 sprayed into the socket and a wooden pencil to push on the bottom where the bulb contacts the wires, electronic cleaners work too, if it still does not work probe the contacts for power when lights are on.
If it was me I would bot use WD40 unless it’s a last resort. WD40 is a solvent but leaves a residue behind that is in general just messy. Electrical contact cleaner can be had at most auto parts stores and should be used. I would also suggest that once you clean the socket and it functions as needed use a little dielectric grease to keep things free of corrosion and working properly.
I never looked at WD40 as a solvent , makes sense I guess. My routine: WD40 to get it cleaned out and working, brake cleaner, although I do use CRC Electronic cleaner now, then some dielectric grease.
Of course since the automakers have been using the same style bulb for like what? FOR EVER!! In the 'old days' people used stuff like lacquer thinner and Vaseline .
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