
DMAN302 said:
Do you ever think the navy will ever have boats with lazers with lazers mounted on their heads?

No... I think they're too busy swabbing poopdecks. If they did it would be totally kewl tho.

Maybe a laser mounted on a 24" bicycle riding around on the aircraft carrier with one on the rider's head too. Yeah that would be kewl
I wounder how many lazers are too many? Oh by the way...RAYGUNS are not real! only lazers, lazers are real and can be mounted on all kinds of stuff. I was once shot in the arm by a platapuss sporting a head mounted lazer...scary but very interesting.
DMAN302 said:
I wounder how many lazers are too many? Oh by the way...RAYGUNS are not real! only lazers, lazers are real and can be mounted on all kinds of stuff. I was once shot in the arm by a platapuss sporting a head mounted lazer...scary but very interesting.

I bet that sucks! Luckily they cauterize.

DMAN302 said:
I wounder how many lazers are too many? Oh by the way...RAYGUNS are not real! only lazers, lazers are real and can be mounted on all kinds of stuff. I was once shot in the arm by a platapuss sporting a head mounted lazer...scary but very interesting.

I dont know about you.... but here is my Ray Gun.. I keep it in my sock drawer incase of emergancy.

HoodStrype said:
Feasibility of mounting this ray gun on a duck billed platapus **discuss**

Why does everyone say "duck billed platypus"???? Are there any other kinds of platypuses out there?

... and by the way...

Klingon Distruptors > Ray guns. They are specifically designed to prevent blood clotting and prevent the wound from closing so that the recipient bleeds to death if not instantly killed by the blast.

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