off road pipe ake a big difference?

urban96 said:
what kind of smell is it? is it the old muscle car smell or more of like a sulfer smell now u guys have my worried about gettin one
Its a GREAT smell, like that of an old muscle car. When your in the car driving you cant smell it, I have tailpipes of course.

Sounds, good....Never thought about wrap too
viperos said:
would a coupe owner notice the smell while driving, like at a stoplight? this is the first I've heard of anything like this from the O/R Pipes... kinda making me question it too

I have never smelled any outside fumes, including the o/r h-pipe, smell from inside my car. I have tailpipes if that matters...

i can only smell it when i pull into my garage an if im standing behind my car when its running, maybe a tiny bit at stop light with the windows all the way down. but i like the smell so i dont mind, its normal to smell that, when you dont have cats all that extra carbon and gas and crap is just being released instead of being clogged up in a cat.
balderman said:
You can really tell the power difference when you put the cats back on. I had to do it to pass emissions...

I felt the same thing when we added cats but unless you put on some nasty restrictive cats I think you were more 'hearing' the power. Cats act like an extra muffler in the system and really soften the tone. Did you check out the dyno tests we posted? Less than 4hp loss with adding cats.
i felt a big gain in power, well maybe not power but alot more torque to the rear wheels. i had stock cats on which sucked and now my car sounds alot better. its like unclogging a pipe plugged up with sewage.