OMG, anyone seen this before

Yeah, but you're also an obsessive animal lover. Give me a nice blonde or black lab or a golden retriever and I'm happy as far as animals go. That or one of those cats (like my GF has) that think they are dogs.
65stanger said:
GAWD----the chemo must be affecting my brain....this thread is getting too surreal!

btw---is that a hipo hippo? and does it float?

Of course it doesn't float! Hippos don't swim; they just FORD streams!

Okay, so that was technically incorrect (the swimming part); but I'm having a bad workday and all I can come up with are bad jokes! Speaking of which:
Hey Fritz, if you went to Central Missouri, you could ask Chelle to get Trixe the Killer Bassett Hound to perform your PET scan! Of course, if you only need a CAT scan; well that would be Emily the Psycho-Kitty's job

Yeah, it's a Monday alright!
I think I'll shut up now.

Still Dreamin'
Real nice guy! Remind me to on you Sunday after my next chemo-go-round!

Darn Buzz wish you were still traveling down here because I have a project notch......yes yes......Mr. Big Block Fox, and I need some ideas and pointers on the big blocks because I have no clue around them I've always been a windsor user.

Any good books you can recomend?
67GTFastback said:
Well maybe it is just like Hop's Eleanor, all body parts can be removed within a day without harming the original Mustang parts J/k Hop

No way..That things ruint. Man Im all for everyone making their toy the way itll make em happy,, but damn,, if you want a SuperBirdVette , use a Corvette.