cool i did the same thing like 3 years ago, did you go on one of those DAM ships(i was on the veendam i think) i was sharing a room with my uncle(hes like a overgrown kid, hes liek 43 and has had 1 job his whole life, he lives off of his 7 roomates ) well anyway the first night my whole family went to one of the fancier dinners, and it said guys must wear a jacket, my uncle comes walking in with one of the life jackets from his room as a joke. i guess they thought it was funny too cause they didnt kick him out. The next day it was like 12 and i wanted to wake him up so I opened all the windows and the big ole french doors (we had a balcony) and you could see the icebergs floating by. Then i ran and grabbed all his sheets and threw them in the shower. about 1/2 later I went to go take a shower and I came walking out with a towel around my waist. my uncle grabbed me, pushed me out into the hall and then ripped off the towel and locked the door. So im butt ass naked in the middle of the hallway on this cruise ship. I had to run like 6 rooms down to get into my grandmas room before it got out of hand. later on at one of the stops we all rented bikes and went and checked out this place with totem poles and stuff. to get back at him i disconnected his brakes on his bike and he ended up running into a totem pole and getting 4 stiches. dam that was funny as hell