Pet Peeves!!!

You know, I realize there is no such thing as "the fast lane". The speed limit is the same in all lanes. I don't know about other states, but here in NC, it is "known" (or supposed to be) that you pass in the left most lane. There are signs that say "slower traffic move right". When some idiot is in the left lane doing 10 mph under the speed limit ..... it really pisses me off. Why can't people get this?
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SeventyMach1 said:
You know, I realize there is no such thing as "the fast lane". The speed limit is the same in all lanes. I don't know about other states, but here in NC, it is "known" (or supposed to be) that you pass in the left most lane. There are signs that say "slower traffic move right". When some idiot is in the left lane doing 10 mph under the speed limit ..... it really pisses me off. Why can't people get this?

Yes I know that, the left lane is supposed to be used as a passing lane but you are correct idiots driving slowly are a hazzard to the flow of traffic. I know some states have a min/max speed requirement and I for one would like to see police ticket slow drivers. On another note I just came back from Ireland where they drive on the other side of the road and use roundabouts in place of intersections which speed up the flow of traffic as there are less traffic lights. The roads are smaller and so are the cars and the speed limit is higher on their rural roads then ours. They drive 110KM which is about 70MPH on dinky little twisty hilly roads without even thinking about it, it was like being in a rally race!