Please read...grip with most stangneters

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I do think it is a good idea to put the solution down that solved the initial problem...but...

I know personally if I have a problem with my car I'm not going to go searching thru thread after thread to find a "potential" problem...two people may explain to very similar problems but it could be two totally different in the end if you start trying the "search solutions" you could end up spending more tire or money (or both) than simply asking the question/explaining the current problem and getting an answer from hopefully someone that had a VERY similar situation...though this above paragraph seems kind of redundant on both ends...atleast I know what I mean :)

This forum is a forum...people will remember the solutions to a problem they had and post it (most likely) when they see a thread of a problem they had...

If we all relied on the search for our answers eventually there would be no more post about anything...I personally (for example) will never choose a part for my car based on a search...I like to ask about my car and I show what I want out of the get the best response...I like the answers more personal and up to date...

Thats just me I guess...
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Mr Yount: 4 years of post secondary education didn't help me all that much it would seem. Let me take the time to thank you for pointing out my lil typeO, I will make an attemp to be more careful in the future. I hope Sir, when I reach your age I will find my self a better speller...that is provided I am lucky enough to live that :D :nice:
Thankyou for your time,

5spd: IMO if it ends up only helping one frustrated, broken knuckled person out then (having been that frustated broken knuckled person on several occasions) then to me it's worth while. Taking 5minutes to let everyone know "hey thanks for the info..this is what I did and it worked." is easy and just plain makes sense to me.
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