post pics of stangs in the snow

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damn, yall have clean cars to have driven in snow... i drove mine for about 3 miles and it was filthy... oh and the stang doesnt get the garage... the parents cars do...

It's the wax. In Washington you can wash your car once a year and get away with it. One wash in July and you're set until October. Then it rains, snows, rains, and finally in July the sun comes out again.I forgot what it looked like. Isn't it bright and provide light? I don't remember.
I don’t have a pic of mine but it has been sitting out side for 3 weeks now with out an engine in it and has ice sickles on the exhaust pipes and now with all this snow were getting its prolly got about 1ft of snow on top of it. I went to check on my engine last week and saw it out side like that, I had to wipe a tear from my eye. It has NEVER been in the snow before. Its always been in a heated garage or in our heated poll barn. It will be back home soon nice and warm and it will have a nice new engine in it! I think the Shelby is lonely now.
It still look sexy sitting in the snow:nice:

Totaly but they let it sit out in the snow and then try to get 15k over for it. If its supposed to be so rare and collectible, like they say it is, why would they let it sit out side? :rlaugh:

I wish I could have got pictures of the guy that came and got his Shelby here in town. It had been snowing and there was an inch or so of snow on the ground. He pulls out of the dealer ship, starts sliding and comes literaly 2" from getting hit by a truck. He paid 20+k over for his when they are selling them for 10-15 now and damn near wrecked it before he even put a .1 of a mile on the car. lol

Driven year round ;)

I like that billet cluster piece! That looks really good.

I'd be driving mine right now, but they are taking a thousand years to send me my detroit locker. I don't drive it all year, but it's just been so long since my car's not been broken. I bet I will be able to mud bog with this locker in.


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Greg (MyPonyRocks), those are great photos. Are you hearing about east of us is now getting what we already got.... it's funny and there you are, cruising in your pony... :nice:

My commute has been interesting but I've been doing it in my Mazda.

This is a crazy winter.

btw... I do this crazy winter commute at 5:00am in the morning, in the dark, half awake after four hours of sleep....

It's no wonder I took up smoking again...!!!
