Roush hood struts?


Active Member
Apr 23, 2023
Anyone install the Roush hood struts on a 2005? Just installed them and there are no instructions other than a video with a black car and black brackets to makes it harder to see. But the fender brackets are stamped RHFNDR and LHFNDR. I installed them that way even though they didn't look right but I closed the hood and opened it and the fender brackets had pivoted since there is only 1 bolt in each and the lower strut end popped off. I swapped the LH for the RH so the RH was now on the drivers side. The angle the brackets are made look like they fit much better and the hood closes better. With them the way they are stamped the rear of the hood was bulged up slightly. Now the gap looks almost perfect. Wondering if I should swap the upper brackets too? Not sure if there would be interference and I'm good with it the way it is but wondered if anyone else had installed them and if they found the same thing?
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just a follow up. not too thrilled with these. strut keeps popping off the lower bracket on the drivers side. The fender brackets only have 1 hole so when you close the hood the bracket pivots and binds the ball/socket and pops it off. Read where a few people drilled another hole through the bracket and drove a self tapping screw through the fender. i'm not gonna do that but anyone have any other solutions?
Fixed. Turns out the fender brackets were on the wrong sides. To put the on right you need to trim the plastic cowling but the instructions don't mention that so I went with what fit properly. Got them on the right sides now and they work perfectly