get a new cap if its letting fluid out. you shouldnt overheat...but i wouldnt leave it in there too long because the water doesnt have any rust inhibitors in it and will eventually rust everything
custom89stang said:yes exactly, kinda weird because STRAIGHT WATER cools better than any combination of water and coolant. BUT if i were you i would switch to distilled water, it cools a lot better....(or so my friend with a 347 stroker says)
for real? you got any links or other info - im curious and would like to read more about that.millhouse said:You have to watch out for distilled water though. Because it has no impurities, it will not boil. If any impurities are added while it is at a boiling tempeture (lets say you try to top off the radiator while the coolant is still hot), it will literally blow up (or in this case, out of the radiator fill hole). That is of course of you used straight distelld water.
Js5ohLX said:I want more on the distilled water won't boil, I'm not buying into that. Every substance on earth will boil. Solid - liquid - gas. To go from liquid to gas, it has to boil. (Sorry for the little science lesson.)