Scariest Ride In A Mustang

Driving on bald mickey thopmson drag radails in pouring rain.

Also, back in the day when i had the novi and nitto DR's, i shifted 3rd to 4th, and watched the spedo jump from 90 to about 120, then i was sideways facing a guardrail... That was kinda fun/scary. I didnt crash so i'd put it in the fun category
My friends dad had a 347 with a 80mm turbo and took me for a ride after getting it tuned for e85 this summer. It was a drag car with no passenger seat...just roll cage. There I was sitting on bare metal holding on to the side bars for dear life scared off my a**. I quickly realized why my friend is as stupid as he is, he's a chip off the old block! Will never ride with his pops again!
Well we had a house in the Virginia mountains(vacation home) we were there for thanksgiving. In the rain I was going 35 MPH in 5th gear. The car just started going sideways on me. I had to ride it out.

I wasn't driving the Cobra.

gotcha! just so you know i wasent doggin ya in no way on that comment.i'm not like that.peace

Spun out in the middle of an intersection of a 6 lane and 4 lane roads on my way home from high school a few years ago in my old fox because I thought I had enough room and got on the gas a little hard after it had been raining. After pooping myself (all the traffic stopped to let me go), I calmly pulled onto the road home, parked the car, and probably fell asleep for a few hours because I was so scared.

Speed wise? I did a couple of dumb things in high school, but overall I was (and continue) to be pretty tame. Got to drive dad's SCCA/HSR-certified 1966 Shelby track car once (we'd owned it 7 years at that point, and I never had the balls to ask to drive....he was shocked that I never had and threw me the keys). 12.5:1, 349 c.i., almost 9k RPM 302 R-block based stroker and a built Top Loader. Once on the high way, hands pinned to the steering wheel (no power anything on that car, but it drives pretty well at speed). No 5th gear, but that bitch accelerates in 4th gear like my fox does in 1st. Passing cars was a breeze!

Opened up the S351R Saleen on a back road once, and the now ex-girlfriend screamed. I assumed it was because the boost hit, but apparently a rabbit wanted to play chicken and ran across the road? I never saw it!

Also, just about any time I see red and blues in the rear-view mirror even though I KNOW that they are chasing after the guy who just passed me at 100 and I'm driving safely, because the officers of the law down here just love my car.
one of my scariest was in my drop top. I was cruising down the street in flowing traffic (lot of cars on the road but all doing 50-60mph) on the freeway on the way to a job interview around 9:30 pm. My top was down i was enjoying the cool hawaiian breeze on a right bend in the far left lane. cars are all around.

All of a sudden a yellow paper flies off the passenger floor and swirls around and back to the ground. I'm not sure what the paper is, it might be important so i reach down to grab it. I take my eyes off the road cause i had to reach low and my head is below the dash.
As i reached down i guess I pulled the steering wheel to the left. When I look up i'm veering toward the median. i yank the wheel hard to the right. I loose control fish tail side to side and do a 180*.
I can see a van's lights coming right at me. I rip it into reverse and floor it. I loose it again and whip counter clockwise about 220* and am facing the median again. My head lights are inches away from the wall. I can see each headlight lines on the wall. If you park close to a wall you know what i mean.
couple seconds later tire smoke engulfs my car. It won't start for a while. Traffic is backing up and rubber necking.
the car starts but i'm so shaken i go back home. some how it all happend in one lane. everytime i drove the free way i could see the skid marks for a long long time.
1. The first time I had to make a panic stop from around 70mph. I honestly thought the car would never stop. I've never felt more helpless behind the wheel. Luckily the car I was trying to avoid moved just enough so I was able to release the brakes and swerve around them.

2. Trying to show-off in front of my wife (we had just begun dating at the time) I got on the throttle mid-corner and nearly lost it. I'd only recently had the 3.73 installed and I wasn't expecting the rear to come around so easily. Oh man, I wish I could describe how fast my hands were turning over as the tail-end of the car swung from one side to the other. I remember thinking "Not like this..." I would never live down the embarrassment if we crashed. Meanwhile, my girl is sitting in the passenger seat just as cool as can be. Finally after what felt like several minutes, I managed to settle the car down. Heart pounding, I look and say "Sorry about that". The crazy part is that she thought I did it on purpose. lol I fully expected her to throw a fit and make me swear to never do that again but she actually enjoyed it. She had this sort of nervous grin on her face like someone who just got off of a roller coaster. Unfortunately, that smile quickly faded away after I confessed that it wasn't on purpose. Should've kept my mouth shut.
I was making a left turn across 2 lanes of traffic and onto a uphill on ramp with 2 buddies of mine

so i dropped it into second and at around 45 started drifting the turn and all was going well until the tires grabbed suddenly and i almsot went off the road and into a 30 foot ditch between the onramp and the main highway, luckily i had 2 buddies with me i was teetering on the edge and they had to push me back out , lets jsut say havent tried drifting anything since

another time i was leaaving a friends house and jsut had an argument with this girl i was seeing so me and my buddy and 2 girls(who were sitting in the back) spun out of the gravel drivewway and onto the road then sideways and back accross the road into the ditch narrowly missing a tree by inches and almsot hitting a culvert, lets just say those 2 girls had their heads bouncing off of the 4 pt roll cage and they have both vowed to never ride in that car again, and to this day, they never have lol.
I have two.

In my 91 LX hatch I down shifted into 2nd gear to go around a hairpin turn near where I was living at the time. It had rained earlier but was drying out. It was a narrow road, and I guess my left rear tire hit the wet center lines. Next thing I know, I'm spinning 180 with cars behind me and cars coming at me. I wasn't even hot rodding around, it was just normal driving so getting whipped around like that was completely unexpected. Luckily everyone avoided me.

The other one happened the other day in my 93 4 banger. It was dark and I was coming up behind a pick up doing about 40 mph. I couldn't tell how fast he was going, but the next thing I know he slammed on his brakes. I hit my brakes and accidently locked up my brakes. I'm holding the steering wheel straight, and the next thing I know my car is turning right as if the wheels are locked to the right....I get the car stopped just before dropping off a 10 ft grass cliff. Turns out the rubber in the rag joint broke and the wheels really did turn hard right. I had almost no steering input at that point. Needless to say, pants were changed.

That's all I got.
Well, this one might not be scary to you guys but at the time it freaked me out.....
A good friend of mine bought a 07 Shelby GT500 and sent it to Las Vegas to be Super Snaked.
When he got it back he took me out in it and HOLY ****!!!!! I Couldnt believe the feeling in my gut! Scared the crap out of me to say the least!

i hate you, and even more so, i hate your friend...

i would literally do terrible things to get a supersnake
are these supposed to be strictly mustang stories?
if so, just pretend my cavalier was a mustang.

when i first got my liscense, i had a 03 cavalier. thought it was fast (young and very dumb). theres a road out in the country where i live with very large hills....let me restate, YOUNG and VERY DUMB. so i get in the car and head out to that road. get going about 70ish (apparently this is optimal flying speed for 03 cavalier) and come up on a very steep hill, so steep it nearly comes to a point at the top, and of course i get what felt like 50 feet off the ground, probably was around a foot, SCARED THE HELL out of me. also need to mention i didnt have my seat belt on at the time, and the sun roof was open. my head rose up above the roof of the car and for a split second i could almost see out the sun roof....

still amazed at my stupidity, but no one got hurt and you live and you learn i guess.
2004. Just picked up my car (literally) from having the subframes welded in. I could smell the paint on them through the floor boards the car had that nice even bounce that you get. Gas light was on and I had to stop at a gas station to get enough gas to get home. It had just started to snow when I got to the gas station so I put in 5$ worth and proceeded to drive home with 4 gallons of weight in the rear (no spare, rear seats or sway bar). It was treacherous to say the least and a suprise storm as well. So the salt trucks had no time to salt the roads. Got close to home and got behind a huge Asplunduh dualie with a crane and everything, that had to weigh 5 tons. He was going about 10 mph and I was thinking "whats this guys problem?, he must be a " passed the big truck that I could not see around, and realized what the problem was. It was a white out. I was close to home at that point and just had to go for it. Balls out. I made it to the bottom of the hill and had to park my car at a mechanics garage. Had to walk about a mile to get home. I called the garage the next morning and explained the problem. That storm dumped almost 5" of snow in under an hour and about 1' total. It took a week to get the car home. It was the best "White knuckle death grip ride" of my life and I got lucky. I did it on ET Street Radials and 4.10's. If my first car wasnt a Mustang I would have never made it.
I have 2 scary stories. Well, kinda scary.

Story #1
The car: 91 GT(my first Mustang) - off-road h-pipe, flowmasters, 3.55s...the car had some driveline vibration that I couldn't pin-point at the time.
The story - I was out with my friends(all of us had mustangs) cruising around the city on a Friday night. Well we decided to go get something to eat at Shoney's. It was about 5 miles from where we were so we get on the interstate and we lay into it. Picture about 6 Mustangs doing about 130 on the interstate in all 3 lanes. Anyway as we're getting close to the exit slowing down the vibration in my driveline got VERY VIOLENT all of a sudden. I think I was down to about 100 or so then front u-joing broke and dropped the driveshaft. Its beating up the underside of the car scaring the s*** out of me. All I was doing was praying that the driveshaft doesn't catipolt the car and send me flipping.

Story #2
The car: 94 GT - Exhaust, 3.73s, 73mm MAF, pulleys, Tremec 3550, alum, d/s Cobra RR hood w/ hood locks.
The story - My girlfriend at the time asked me if I could go pick her best friend up from work because they were supposed to be studying for a big exam. Anyway, I picked her up and we're on the way back on the interstate. We were crossing the highest bridge in the New Orleans metro area known as the High-rise. I was cruising at abot 65mph in the left lane and as we get to the peek of the bridge all of a sudden my hood flies up. She screamed and I said "OH SH**!!!!" Luckily no other cars were close to me. A truck that was a little ways behind saw what happened and he guided me over to the right so I could get off at the I was hanging out of the window like Ace Ventura. LMAO!!!! That was scary but funny.