SHO question . . .

D Durden

Founding Member
Mar 9, 2000
Okay, I've got a 97 SHO, and I've blown about 8 ignition coils (one per cylinder). It's getting old, and I was wondering if any of our learned fellow StangNetters had the same issue or know the long-term solution.

I'm NOT running it hard, there or no mods, and there seems to be now rhyme or reason.
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Hey man! Sorry for the long departure, but I've been up to my ears!

I THINK I've found what the issue may be. On, they talk about a noise issue with some of the coils that causes EXACTLY what I've got. Their diagnostics are WAY complicated, though, and I hope someone around here is both capable AND has the equipment to test it. LOL! We'll see, I guess.

Oh, did you see all that jazz about welding up your camshafts?
Yeah, I've read about it. It's not as big a scare to me as it is to others. :shrug: My opinion of it is the guys who are really beating on their cars are having that problem (I would expect most will deny it, though). I might end up eating my words, but I doubt it. My wife uses the car 99% of the time, it leads a pretty mellow life as far as use goes. I've never had it on a racetrack; it's seen redline maybe a dozen times in the three years we've owned it.