SHO question . . .

D Durden

Founding Member
Mar 9, 2000
Okay, I've got a 97 SHO, and I've blown about 8 ignition coils (one per cylinder). It's getting old, and I was wondering if any of our learned fellow StangNetters had the same issue or know the long-term solution.

I'm NOT running it hard, there or no mods, and there seems to be now rhyme or reason.
Hey man! Sorry for the long departure, but I've been up to my ears!

I THINK I've found what the issue may be. On, they talk about a noise issue with some of the coils that causes EXACTLY what I've got. Their diagnostics are WAY complicated, though, and I hope someone around here is both capable AND has the equipment to test it. LOL! We'll see, I guess.

Oh, did you see all that jazz about welding up your camshafts?
Yeah, I've read about it. It's not as big a scare to me as it is to others. My opinion of it is the guys who are really beating on their cars are having that problem (I would expect most will deny it, though). I might end up eating my words, but I doubt it. My wife uses the car 99% of the time, it leads a pretty mellow life as far as use goes. I've never had it on a racetrack; it's seen redline maybe a dozen times in the three years we've owned it.