short throw or not

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Still $3.59 here in Mt. Shasta California, if it wasnt for this site I would never be able to afford to drive my car. Another +1 for the MGW that is the shifter I will be going with next. I do have to say though that my inexpensive B&M Ripper has treated me really well. I would have no problems recomending it if you can find one cheap. I have had a tri ax as well, but my B&M feels way better...
Roland69 said:
anyone want me to take a pic of all the different MGW handles side by side to see how much different they are


Will the orange one work on a blue/red base? Have you confirmed that? I was under the impression it wouldn't.

If it does work i will have to pick up a blue and an orange.
I got quite a few pics and also some pics of each handle on the shifter base just to assure you they all fit. Now I just got to go to my Woman's house and upload them there cause my computer is a pile of sh-it that hardly even makes it on stangnet lol.