Since I didn't buy a new stang


New Member
Nov 10, 2002
Oshkosh, WI
I finally got my '88 vert out of storage. I'm going to repull the engine. I don't think I did the swap right the first time I tried (too little experience, too much frustration, too little patience.) I know I have stuff wired wrong, because when I have it key on engine off, the oil pressure is halfway up the gauge and the coolant temp bottoms out?? So I'm going to retrace all the wires and double check that I've actually got the ECU repinned correctly. In the meantime I'm going to rebuild the extra engine I've got laying around and paint it up nice and pretty.
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Yup. I started the swap 3 or so years ago. Had some problems at that time and the car was put into storage in my grandpa's garage. It never moved until last weekend when I got her out again. Just figure I'm going to do it right this time around. Probably doing the t-5 swap too. I've got all the donor parts, I just have to remember how they go back together :)
Good luck man. I sold all of my mustang stuff to help pay for my move and my gf (mistake on the latter part of it)

Defintely miss my 2.3L For some reason it was more fun than my 5L wierd I know. But anyway good luck with the car!!!