slp loudmouth or magnapacks

I'm trying to decide between packs or loudmouth, and possibly borla stingers. I know borla has the cleaner sound of 3, but they cost the most. Does the loudmouth have a worse popping, crackling noise than the packs or are they even? Which is the loudest and gives the most power?
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coramprat said:
Have you tried They have a lot of clips of different set-ups.

I've searched clips for hours over there. They have tons of magnapack set-ups but very limited loudmouth and stinger clips on 2v GT. I'm leaning more towards the loudmouth or stinger just to be different. Plus slp is the only company that I know of that makes an all stainless exhaust from headers to catback. Forgot about bassani, but they don't have longtubes and cost too much for me. Does anybody have or have heard either the loudmouth or stinger exhaust on Gt?
i hate to be the one to start trouble here, but i just got the loudmouths, and i love em.... it's hard to sound different with a mustang, but SLP did it. it's a little quieter than my old flowmasters at idle, but at WOT.... lookout! I'm 99% sure i'm the only one in my area with em, and i like that. the system fit beautifully, cleared everything with little to no adjustment. of course there's gonna be a million people out there who'll say magnapack, they're tried and true. and yes magnapacks do sound reeeaally good and are very well built, in fact i have nothing negative to say about them at all. they were my first choice before i heard the SLP system, but i wanted something different and SLP's system was just that. this may be the only vote on here for the loudmouth cause they're new and different from what people are used to, but they're an awesome setup.
good luck, this is truly a no lose situation because they're all three great setups.
if you're interested....
Yo! I bought the SLP Loud Mouth, Long Tube Headers, and X Pipe. I got to hear the Loud Mouth compared to my 2 chammber Flows. My Flowmasters sounded like a tin can compared to the Loud Mouth. The only thing is that The Loud Mouth is quite at idle, only loud when you stomp. I like my Stang as loud as possible but that's just me. The Loud Mouth sounded like some Saleens I've heard. Anyway, putting in the loud mouth tomorrow. My headers and X pipe picking up from SLP on the 10th. Next I've got to get the KB SC in to complement this whole exhaust setup!
I have the same thread started with the same basic questions. I have gotten a lot of feedback from people including a rep from SLP and Magnaflow. I am going with SLP I think myself but I have a while to make up my mind. I'm hopping that someone out there has a sound clip for the Loudmouth on a 2v but no luck yet.
Makalani_96GT said:
I have the same thread started with the same basic questions. I have gotten a lot of feedback from people including a rep from SLP and Magnaflow. I am going with SLP I think myself but I have a while to make up my mind. I'm hopping that someone out there has a sound clip for the Loudmouth on a 2v but no luck yet.

Personally, I won't go for the SLP, just because they didn't build anything for the Mustang's until the Camaro/Firebird was dead. That's just my opinion, however.
decoy562 said:
Personally, I won't go for the SLP, just because they didn't build anything for the Mustang's until the Camaro/Firebird was dead. That's just my opinion, however.
so what ?..I'm sure they are not the only company switching from GM to Ford...give them a chance ...I have SLP xpipe and loumouth and I'm very happy..