SN95 GT owners opinion on MAC dumps


New Member
Nov 17, 2009
Just wanted a few opinions from some fellow SN95 GT owners.
I currently have factory header/converter set up with MAC Muffler chambers. The car seems too quiet for my liking.
Does anyone have experience with either installing MAC dumps on a similar set up, or cutting off the tailpipe and installing turn downs of the muffler outlets to mimick the MAC dumps?
If so, I would like to know your opinions..
Too Loud?
Any annoying drone?
Any issues with E-Tests when needing the e-test facilty to have access to installing the tailpipe sniffer equipment?
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I don't have the Mac dumps, so my help isn't exact, but my exhaust system is a BBK o/r x-pipe, mated to dumped Flowmaster 44's. The drone is there, but TBH isn't bad. I've driven 2 hours straight on the interstate, and my girlfriend was able to sleep throughout the drive with no problems. I do have the stock 2.73 gear though, so my revs aren't super high in 5th. The sound isn't loud from inside the car IMO, and I've actually had someone else drive my car past me. It sounds so much better with dumps than tail pipes to my ears, and the volume level is justtt fine, but it doesn't get carried away inside the cabin.
I see your from Ontario. I'm sorry LOL

I installed a Mac Catback and loved the sound. gave it that true mustang sound. When i had a catless H-pipe installed the car was a new beast. Loud as hell. Now I have a Mac X-pipe catless and it sounds great. Mac is a really loud exhaust and i cant imagine what mac dumps would sound like.

If you didnt have the e test to worry about i would just get a catless midpipe and your grin will be hard to remove.
I don't have an SN95 and I don't have Mac dumps, but I do have a fox and I went from a 2.5" Flowmaster catback with tailpipes to a 3" Dynomax Ultraflow catback with dumps and too me it is just a very different setup tailpipes vs. dumps. With dumps you get a lot of constant noise due to reverb from the sound resonating under the car. I will be going to an Ultraflow with tailpipes setup in the future.
My $.02... dumps have no business on a street car. I think you'll be happy with the new noise for about a week then be wishing for tails. It's not actually "louder" your just moving the noise closer to you. The true volume is achieved by either a high flow, or off-road, aftermarket midpipe. More air = more volume. Similarly, replace your stock heads, camshaft, and intake, and you'll notice a huge increase in volume as you are now pushing more air out the exhaust.


im kinda with adam on this. i'm not a fan of the dumps really. doesnt sound bad but i just think tailpipes give the exhaust a more pronounced, crisper sound. with dumps its just going to be a low tone vibration. i ran flowmaster 40s on my 95 with turn downs ( o/r x pipe ) and got tired of it in a few weeks.

just my opinion, i think you will be happier with a mid pipe change. getting rid of those restrictive cats will make the car quite a bit louder - even with tailpipes.

something else to think about: with dumps, all that exhaust gas, soot, carbon, etc has to go somewhere......which will be ALL over the underside of your car. it will also create a swirl effect when exiting out from behind your car which will create a film all over your rear bumper ( i speak from experience - its a pain to get off ). also, those exhaust gases arent the best to be breathing and you will smell them with dumps.

not trying to talk you out of them, just some things to think about.
I am starting to think leave good enough alone. I recently had to take off my fi-flow cats which sounded awesome as they failed e-test. So I now have a quiet car, with slightly less performace and am out money to boot for these cats that supposidly where 49 state compliant. I was looking to get some sound back without wasting more cash if things go wrong. Thanks for your opinions. I guess I'll stick with a quiet car or at leat until I win the lottery....

might not hurt to call up the company that makes that catted hi flow mid pipe you have. if its advertised to pass emissions and didnt, they *should* be willing to do something about.

its worth a shot.
Let me clear some rumors up here while I have the opportunity. Dumps do not signifigantly effect the sound of the exhaust. All they do is direct the exhaust downward. Bad droning and vibration comes from using cheap mufflers, like Mac and Flowmaster. If you put a quality muffler on the car, you aren't going to have a problem. You get a little exhaust smell when you sit still, but it's fine when you are moving. I've never seen a car with dumps have any buildup of carbon or anything else on the underside of the car.

Yeah, I emailed back and fourth with them with all of the details, results before and after with their cats vs. mine. They left me high and dry...... My Nitrous oxide readings with their cats that I only had 5000 kms on, was over 810 PPM, when I put my original 15 year old converters back on, I was at 60 PPM. The etest results don't lie..... So needless to say, after wasting over $500 on their product and a few hundred on trying to figure out why my car was failing has me nervous to want to go buy hi-flow cats again...
I gotta say, I was really disappointed w/ the hi flo cat manufacturer. I only drive my car about once a week in the summer time and its runs supper clean. When I looked at my final etest that passed with my factory cats, it actually had lower emissions readings than when I bought this car over 2 years ago. I guess this cars like wine, it improves with age... I guess you live and learn.... I am glad you where fortunate to deal with a stand up company...
I think the sound change is from the fact the noise is now bouncing off the underside of the car...and close to were you sit so your kind of like in a exhaust speaker box.

I am not a fan of dumps. For the simple fact I do not like driving my car to work or anywhere else and smelling like exhaust. Plus SS tail pipes do look nice...weight of tail pipes is fairly low on the weight dumping list and not that much weight either. Its also weight in the back and low in the rear so its probably not hurting but helping to a larger extent.

I actually sold my O/R H for a BBK catted X to quite my car down a little. I do have some 10yr old Flowmasters (I put on in 99) may replace with magnaflow but I need to rebuild my rear end this winter and looking to do a Astro/Gforce next year so its not high on the priority list.
I only drive my car once or twice a week in the summer. Its a convertible, so I only drive on nice days with the roof down. I am guessing with the open cockpit, I would not be effected as much by exhaust fumes and or droning through the cab as I have a lot of fresh air flowing around (at least when the cars moving). Each time I read another thread, it makes me re-think the situation. I guess I have all winter to figure it out... If anyone has a vert with dumps, please let me know your thoughts....