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got a new computer. Running Windows 7. Runs a lot faster and quieter than my old computer. Bad news is that it is a 64 bit version and I can't get drivers for my printer or scanner to work with the new system. That sucks balls.
Went and looked at a house today. Bigger than where I am now and a huge garage to boot. Needs some work and not willing to pay what they are asking. Just a open house today with probably 5 other couples there. I like it but not making a offer right now. Need to find out how much we could get for a mortgage first.
Ok I finally finished the article in 5.0 about the new engine and trans. The engine sounds great on paper. Today I read the part about the trans. I noticed they didn't print the torque rating on the new auto but they did for the stick. The stick was only rated for 375 ft/lbs! I heard of Retro but that was too much. Made me think of the 5.0 in the Foxes and their transmissions. Nice powerful engine and a trans that can't take that power. That's to much retro. They should have made it stronger.
They mentioned that one of the trans. has a feature that was similar to a piece of crap found in the Corvette. If you hit too high of a RPM in first gear the trans may go directly to 4th gear on the next gear change. Whoever approved that all I have to say to you is 'YOU SUCK!'.
What do you guys think? Have you read the article?
thanks Fred, I couldn't remember the name 'skiptronic'. Piece of crap. I'm sure someone will find a way to defeat it.
Travis for $30k its a hell of a package. Lighter and better handling than the Camaro and Challenger. The power level off the showroom floor is pretty sweet. To build a car like that yourself would cost even more. You're right there had to be compromises here and there. I like the high compression and using 87 octane because of the oil squirting on the underside of the pistons will eliminate detonation.
Im not saying its not a great package b/c it is but you get stuck w/ the price tag of it too

Oh I know but the price of everything keeps going up. How much are the various Shelby cars going for?

Now for something stepdaughter found out a couple of weeks ago that she is pregnant. No I'm not ready to be called grandpa by any kid.

Sears called a couple of times this week to let me know about when my tool chest is finally coming in. First message was it will be in on Jan 8. Second call was to straighten out that mistake and change to Feb 5. They called the next day to say it will be in today. How many times can you screw up the date? At least when I complained a few weeks ago they gave me back $45.