Steeda timing adjuster?

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It's a piece of cake to install and is probably on the same scale as installing an alum driveshaft. You will need a torque wrench when putting it back on, and maybe an extra pair of hands to hold the AC compressor out of the way when moving the magnetic resonator but it's really easy. I would recommend putting a TA on at the same time as the pullies...
As long as you have a set of socket wrenches, a good breaker bar, and a torque wrench in the 100 lb/ft it should be easy. It took me about half an hour total on the install, just be very careful dealing with the crank bolt. The hardest part is dealing with the unbolting the A/C compressor (3-4 very long bolts) and the crank bolt (I used a $5 breaker bar, with an extra 2 foot length of pipe over the handle for leverage getting mine started.

