
Short answer: no

Long answer, you would need to convert the 87-92 radio setup over to a 1993 Premium setup with amp to use the 93+ JBL made head premium head units. To fit the 95 radio, you would need to swap the radio face over to one with the squared edged, and swap on the lower plate that allows you to bolt up the storage cubby.

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The amp in a 1990 is behind the radio.

Let’s take a step back here. Do you have a photo of the radio you want to use? Do you have a pic of the reverse where the plugs go? Would like to see if it’s a premium or non-premium head unit.
So that is a premium head unit.

You do need the 1993 amp system to use that radio, in addition to swapping the face place and tray.

It’s also missing the shorting plug on the back, so it won’t work without it. (Post 6 in the link above)