Street racing, did I wussed out ?


"I am Canadian and Damned for it!"
Jul 22, 2003
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Unlike most of 20 years old kids like me, I'm VERY against street racing. It's way too dangerous and I still have my TEMP. license, 4 points on it.
Okay so at around 10h30pm last night i was on my way heading back home from my friend's house. I was still a bit stoned from the evening so I was driving the limits. Well during my way home I saw 3 cars catching me up, going high\low beams light I was like wtf ? Then at one redlight I saw it was one of my ex co-workers in two of the three cars. The other car, a blue Mitsubishi Stealth or something , not sure if it was RT or not. Anywya we stopped at a relight, I was right beside the mitsu and my co-worker was behind that mitsbu so he took his head out and said "RACE HIM! EAT HIM ALIVE DUDE" and the other car behind me, wich was some co-workers too yelled out the same thing. We were right beside the university, so lots of pedestrians and cops usually hang out around t hat area. So I replied to my co-workers : "I'M NOT A TEENAGER LIKE YOU" (he's like 10 years older then me lol" then both of cars told me I was a wuss and laughed a bit. I was like who gives a crap. Anyway the light turned green and both of us started VERY slow, it was funny. I think the dude in the Mitsu saw I didnt wanna race so he said screw him...

That said, did I wussed out or I should've raced that Mitsu ?
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I think it takes a lot more self-control and courage to back down from a race than not to. Why should you risk getting yourself in trouble (or injuring yourself or even worse a pedestrian/innocent bystander) for somebody else's amusement?
Good job, it's a waste of gas anyway... hehe since the mitsu would break down and catch on fire if held at WOT for more than a second... :p

A real wussie would surcome to the peer pressure.
TheDamned said:
I was still a bit stoned from the evening so I was driving the limits.
Based on your typing ability, I would say you’re still stoned. I'm glad to see you are completely against street racing as it is dangerous, yet you partake in smoking marijuana, and then get behind the wheel. Good thinking Einstein. It's people like you who are a disgrace to society.
Swarzkopf said:
What the ****?

You have no problem driving around "still a bit stoned from the evening" but you're against street racing because it's dangerous?

94MustangGT5.0 said:
Based on your typing ability, I would say you’re still stoned. I'm glad to see you are completely against street racing as it is dangerous, yet you partake in smoking marijuana, and then get behind the wheel. Good thinking Einstein. It's people like you who are a disgrace to society.
That was the first thing that cought my attention :nonono: you're no better than a drunk driver :notnice: .
K, boys...i don't think that was his point. most of us wouldn't do it, he did, but his question was....was he being a wussy for not street racing.

Good job man, it wouldn't have been worth it anyway.
think what you want. im still gonna smoke all day and all night.

That's wonderful. I'm glad you have such high life aspirations.

if you have a problem with people who smoke weed eat a ****

I have no problem with people who smoke Marijuana and exercise some degree of responsibility. However, smoking pot and driving is not responsible. You are then endangering ME, my wife, my friends, my family, ect. Then I have a big problem with you.

A PEAR? A BEAN? A MEAL? Hey, if you keep pushing me, I will.

Don't confuse them.
wytstang said:
That was the first thing that cought my attention :nonono: you're no better than a drunk driver :notnice: .

No better then a drunk driver ? Are you stupid ?
I drive ALOT safer on maryjuana, and i NEVER NEVER take the wheeel when I just smoked. It was more then 4 hrs after our little joint,end of buzz, I wasnt "stoned to death" at all Sir and that's not the point of this post.
Swarzkopf said:
That's wonderful. I'm glad you have such high life aspirations.

I have no problem with people who smoke Marijuana and exercise some degree of responsibility. However, smoking pot and driving is not responsible. You are then endangering ME, my wife, my friends, my family, ect. Then I have a big problem with you.

Don't confuse them.

Starts with a D and ends with a K. if you need help with this puzzle let me know. i can understand being conserned about someone driving around wasted, but being high is far from that(at least for me).
TheDamned said:
No better then a drunk driver ? Are you stupid ?
I drive ALOT safer on maryjuana, and i NEVER NEVER take the wheeel when I just smoked. It was more then 4 hrs after our little joint,end of buzz, I wasnt "stoned to death" at all Sir and that's not the point of this post.
How can you say you drive safer on marijuana? AND... Wytstang is not even close to stupid. Nearly every tech. post I have ever seen him chime in on is very helpful and informative. He nailed it when he said that you aren't any better than a drunk driver, marijuana impares your ability to react just as alcohol does. That's fine if you waited for your buzz to wear off or whatever, the point is, driving around with a buzz (like you said you were) makes you no better than a drunk doing the same.