Street racing, did I wussed out ?

I'm "conserned" because regardless of your absurd claims, you are NOT driving even close to as well as a sober person while high.

When I was a teenager, I smoked tons of pot. I used to claim that I could drive just as well high as sober.

Well, after an afternoon of smoking with some friends, we decided to eat dinner at a pizza joint located on small two lane highway. After we ate, I started pulling out of the lot. I looked both ways and saw nothing coming, and started to pull out on the highway.

My two friends in the car screamed at the top of their lungs. I stopped a looked at them, and saw the 18 wheeler fly by me out of my peripheral vision.

You are fooling yourself by claiming you can drive "better" while stoned; the FACT is that Marijuana is a strong intoxicant and will reduce your reaction time, agility, and motor skills and in more potent forms can even make you halucinate. Do me a favor and stay **** away from Pittsburgh.
94MustangGT5.0 said:
And yes, you're a for not racing him and kicking his ass!

So since he's high anyway, might as well drive like a d*** and mow over pedestrians? j/k man. I think driving while drunk, buzzed, high, coming down or ANYTHING is reckless and irresponsible, and guess what! so do the cops! I'd like to see him try and explain to the officer, "i'm not THAT high!". Is he dumb for driving after smoking marijuana? Yes. Is he dumb for backing down from the race? No, that's probably the only sensible thing he did that night. I've spoken my part, and am done with this thread. Hopefully it will be before it gets to out of hand.
Do you know what a hypocrite is? If I was lighting up a joint as I wrote the message, then I would be a hypocrite. However, I've never touched drugs and never will because I'm not a loser. Secondly, I only added the second part because he wanted an answer to the original question, which is my own opinion. I didn't say he had to do it right on campus, tell him to meet on some lightly traveled road. Don't call me a hypocrite without first looking the word up in a dictionary.
I haven't street raced in a while, but an eclipse wouldn't have been worth it, if the stealth was a turbo, might have been worth it.

As far as the whole marijuana vs drinking, I think driving drunk is a little worse, but not really a good idea to drive on the influence of any of that.
Sounds like you made the right decision to me. Even if you felt fine, if you got pulled over or crashed you would have been screwed and showing off a little is not worth taking that chance.
94MustangGT5.0 said:
I'm glad to see you are completely against street racing as it is dangerous, yet you partake in smoking marijuana, and then get behind the wheel. Good thinking Einstein. It's people like you who are a disgrace to society.

So you're implying that both of these things make you a disgrace to society.

94MustangGT5.0 said:
And yes, you're a for not racing him and kicking his ass!

Then you say this, like you would have done it.

You're an idiot. And like Cman, I am done with this thread. Lock it up....
I'll just ignore the fact that you were stoned.

With that said, you made the right decision not to race him. Street racing is dumb, although I have done it a couple of times which I deeply regret.

And to fix your co worker problem, wait for them after work and do a MASSIVE burnout, see if they call you then.
The pot thing is overated way too much.
We smoked a small joint at like 6pm in some woods near.
I left at fricking 10h30pm, It's like I was very tired that's it. I NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER DROVE right after smoking, it's plain stupid. 4 hours and a half after, I was dazed like when youre really tired but not more.
TheDamned said:
No better then a drunk driver ? Are you stupid ?
I drive ALOT safer on maryjuana, and i NEVER NEVER take the wheeel when I just smoked.
Wow you are an idiot, to say you drive better while intoxicated sounds like a drunk to me.

It was more then 4 hrs after our little joint,end of buzz, I wasnt "stoned to death" at all Sir and that's not the point of this post.
That's not what you posted "I was still a little buzzed" is what you said/posted. It wasn't the point, the point was (at least to me) is that you denounce street racing because "it's dangerous" and you didn't do it (good for you) yet you say you were intoxicated while operating a vehicle .
I can't believe some people actually think smoking weed makes you a better driver

It amazes me just how warped some people become after getting tied up in that drug, and how they have like their own little "culture." I dated a girl once who turned out to be a pothead, and after we broke up (her being a pothead being the main reason) she came up with so many bulls**t reasons as to why pot is a great thing and makes you a better person and never harms you and blah blah blah.

It seems like some people just live for that drug, and that is really sad.
Racism is not based on cultural, religious, gender, or any other like factors, but you knew that.. The word is used incorrectly when referred to the "race" of a human, as genetically, the differences between a "black" man and a "white" man are significantly insignificant.. Anyways don't say racism anymore, Men are one race..

And I think you're a wuss for doing drugs.. I don't need that crutch but if you do, it's your body, plenty of my friends do various drugs, what can ya do? not for me..

anyways you did make a good choice not to race, and like someone said earlier, it's harder NOT to race.. you made a more manly decision than those pressuring you, and it sounds like the ones that wanted you to race weren't even racing themselves..
