Subframe connectors


New Member
Jul 7, 2012
Now that spring is almost here, I am ready to start upgrading my 90 LX vert. After a few months of reading posts, I have come to find that everyone agrees on SB connectors being a must for fox verts. I am a full time college student, so every penny counts. This also means, If at all possible, I want to do the work myself. My question: are all SBs created equal? What is involved in the assembly? I will be borrowing a welder from my father. Any tips/ advice would be great... as well as advice on future wallet friendly upgrades for my 5.0.
Make sure during install the car is sitting with all of it's weight on its wheels on a flat surface to ensure you keep the normal geometry of the body/frame (place your car on ramps if you have them).

Maximum Motor sports from what I know has the best "full length" sub frames out there. Do not get them already painted since in order to weld them you'll have to grind off the painted finish and re-paint anyway.
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Since you say you're on a budget, I'd check in the vendor's forum here on Stangnet to see if anyone makes SFCs as good as the MM ones, but for less money. You'll want full length subframe connectors.

Again, good things to consider... I, being anal , probably would have gotten them already painted....