Supercharging Questions


New Member
Sep 22, 2005
I currently have 24lb injectors in my car, how would they respond to a small supercharger(powedyne) or will I definitly need to upgrade to 42lb injectors? I also have a 255 pump installed in the car and MAF calibrated for current injectors . I am looking to add a power adder to my combo and my biggest concern is money. I realize I will need a tune but as far as install, I've read that the powerdyne isn't the best supercharger but it is cheap but is it a fairly simple install? Thanks.
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Wit your mods you are going to need more injector and maybe more MAF.

Since you will need the tune anyway I would spend the $300 on injectors at the same time. However I am not the right guy to tell you if 42#ers are right although looking at your current combo i would thing 42#ers would be pretty darn good.
To use inj's that small :eek:

You're gonna have to run a fmu :)

That can allow you to squeak by on the fuel :nice:


As for the air flow requirements :)

You stand a chance of pegging the maf :notnice:

i ran 24s and 73mm maf for years before i upgraded. even laid down 390hp 360tq. I think you'll be alright if you use a FMU.

Powerdynes are crap. the mounting brakets are like sheet metal. you push on the head unit, it starts swaying. the engine torque makes it rock back and for likes its tied to the engine with a piece of string. really crap supporting hardware. i'm amazed they still are around. spend the money and get a vortech. you won't be disappointed.