Build Thread The Hoopty Chronicles - New House, New garage, New Car?

Intake gaskets delivered.

I know, you're thinking "And?"

Well, I find it odd that they ended up being shipped from Sugarland, Tx. which for those that don't know is the next town over from me. From there, they went 4 hours north to dallas, spent the night, and then got delivered to my doorstep today.

Seems inefficient, no?
Are you kidding?

too bad you can't drive there and do will call.
With much difficulty, I have been plugging away without much use of my right hand. But progress is progress and last night, I was able to get sh*t done in spades it seems.

I got the rat nest otherwise known as my wiring harness extended, plugged in, bolted in, and secured. It aint pretty, but it's beefy and not going ANYWHERE.

I got the battery cable run to the trunk and exchanged my dead battery for a new one, so that's out of the way as well.

My wife had to run errands last night, so I stayed in the garage unusually late and tackled the intake removal as well.

Then she came home and beat me for getting dirt/grime on my hand that's all jacked up. She's still mad at me for not getting stitches LOL
Reactions: 1 users
Reactions: 1 users
Video of you removing the intake one handed please

I have offered to send @madmike1157 my gopro for filming these type of situations and that offer now stands with you as well!
Wouldn't be able to have any audio, that's for sure, LOL. I was able to sort of use my right index finger as a pirate hook, but that's about it. everytime I'd get brave and try and use my middle finger (has the gash) it would rip open again and ooze. Lame.
I took all the meat off the middle knuckle of my index finger once. I had no choice but go to the hospital. I could see the fluid in the actual joint...before it bleed. Lol.
I took all the meat off the middle knuckle of my index finger once. I had no choice but go to the hospital. I could see the fluid in the actual joint...before it bleed. Lol.

Dude you don't want to see pics of my latest stunt with a grinder and cut off wheel. Almost lost my thumb.
Ever seen a grinding wheel in your buddies face?
During the twin blower install we did on my buddies camaro he had a cut off wheel filet almost his entire cheek clean off... That was about as nasty as an accident I've ever witnessed in the garage and I've lost the tip of my left index finger and nearly cut my right wrist off

I can imagine. Mine kicked back when I was holding it one handed. Split second. As bad as it got my hand i cant imagine getting a blade to the face. Geeez!