Paint and Body The Mike And Dave Show: Part Deaux

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Mike apparently doesn't like it when I take pictures of him working, so, therefore:
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Mike's pissed at me for taking so many pictures of him and posting them, so I thought I'd get one of me being my slovenly self drinking mike's beer. Sort of balance the accounts.
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You mean- Mike isn't throwing a party in your Honor......
lol hope you are having a good time down there along with all the work you all are doing
We're done for the day. The monster is just waiting for us tomorrow morning.
We'll get an earlier start, this morning we were still prepping things, so it really was about 8:30ish before we got around to painting.
I just got a shower in and am sitting down drinking some water:eek:.
Mike is a very entertaining guy, I'm glad we're friends.
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All I can say is wow to the parts you painted! I cannot wait to see the Monster after final assembly. Mike has awesome skill with his construction, and really lucked out with you coming along to paint it. Not only a good deal for him cost wise, but you two look like a couple guys that have known each other your whole lives. I bet its a good time, even without the sleep! @madmike1157
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All I can say is wow to the parts you painted! I cannot wait to see the Monster after final assembly. Mike has awesome skill with his construction, and really lucked out with you coming along to paint it. Not only a good deal for him cost wise, but you two look like a couple guys that have known each other your whole lives. I bet its a good time, even without the sleep! @madmike1157
It has been. Dave is a really great guy. Meticulous, dedicated, and ever so capable, he just "does" what he needs to to make the paint do what he want's it to.

Save for the slight contamination, that paint would've been flawless.

It wouldn't be w/o incident however,..what could've been the deal breaker for the weekend, we get the stuff ready to blow off, and the compressor doesn't kick on. This compressor has been working perfectly for 4 years now, and the MINUTE that I need to fill the tank, I get nothing when I turn the switch.

Panic sets in.

I get a mallet and give the pressure switch a tap.


I check the breaker.

It's fine.

I pull the cover on the pressure switch, and check the wiring,....

It's all good.

Only by some quirk, I manage to stick a screwdriver into some slot in that valve, and the compressor kicks on.
Evidently, my pressure switch is failing. It waited till the day that Dave gets here to do that, however. Had I not stumbled onto that slot, there'd be no pics of shiny parts today. As of this writing, the switch has completely failed. I literally have to stand at the compressor with a screwdriver in that slot holding the switch relay contacts together while Dave paints.

Tomorrow we're back at at at 6 AM, hopefully we have no other problems, but by tomorrow at about 10 AM, there should be a 95% painted Monster.
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Wow , a paint gun for hire who does house calls.....nice.
Just to clarify your statement a little, I'm not so much for hire, I have done a house call. this won't be a regular thing.

Not btchin', Mike and his wife have been very gracious and I'm glad I could help.
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