The Official "4-Mod-Fox" progress thread

IMO, it's easier to swap the dash. I wouldn't want to try and get the thing wired up to a fox wire harness. I mean, you could run he 96 Cobra harness behind the fox dash, I guess, but for me, it's easier to spend a couple hours trimming the dash than it is to spend 5 days trying to figure out wiring and find out I did things wrong. Wiring is my weak point, I never understood it, and never will. I can't even read a schematic. Laugh, if you want to, but I'm being honest. That's why I used the entire harness. Sure I can solder, weld, fabricate, sand, paint, repair, but eff wiring. lol
Matt, if you need wiring help should have asked.... would have taken me a day to do it. I intergrated the SN95 stuff into my fox harness with the 01 dash in my notch. not that hard.

Thanks for the offer. I have never even looked at both harnesses to even attempt it. I just know using everything from one car to this car, it's guaranteed to work.
Is it running yet?

Soon my friend. Workin tomorrow (not on the car) then after work, going up to my Grandmas new house and tearing out carpet in 3 bedrooms and unloading some brand new hardwood from the truck into the house. So, no work on the whip Saturday, but I will be here Sunday for idk....3, 4, 6 hours? Want to get the suspension in and fender on, so I can pull the trigger on what tires/wheels to order.

Nice work. The V/C's look great. Would be a nice color for the car.

Thanks man!!! Long time no talk on the board. I thought about the color for the car, but my and 1990Coupe were talking and with me replicating a 93 Cobra, I wanna try and keep it red. Won't be Vibrant Red, wanna go Torch Red.
Yeah...a lot going on away from the car hobby. New job, moving, trying to sell the old house...which JUST finally sold after a year. Now the search begins for a house with a garage suitable for plenty of car projects.

Sweet! Torch Red is also a great choice. Looking forward to watching the progress.

here come the excuses....

Well, that is a lot of stuff on the honey-do list!! Congrats on selling the house. 1 year is a long time, kinda, but in this day and age I guess it's not so bad. There are two houses on my street that were for sale when I bought mine in 2006, and they are still for sale!!

Yeah. I was getting pretty worried. Glad I'm finally rid of it.

The 89 desperately needs a new motor and I've had to wait and put up with the oil consumption for that long. Hopefully I can get back to wrenching in the next few months.