To All Tucson Stangers


New Member
Jun 1, 2004
Tucson, AZ
If you see a White GT w/Bullitts parked out in front of the Park Place or Houghton and Broadway Starbucks, come on over and say Hi! My friends and I are there quite often.


PS - I'll be the big guy with the shaved dome. :D
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I knew someone who worked at the Park Place Starbucks, I think he's at another one now. I'll keep an eye out for it whenever I'm around there.

I have a white pintostang, loud, with a huge hood scoop, red stripe on the side, hard to miss.
RADA said:
If you see a White GT w/Bullitts parked out in front of the Park Place or Houghton and Broadway Starbucks, come on over and say Hi! My friends and I are there quite often.


PS - I'll be the big guy with the shaved dome. :D

I might be going to tucson to see some family sometime in July or August. Maybe I'll stop by, see whats up, I'm taking a Black 2002 GT, pretty loud, bullits, and Xenon ground effects. Anyways, is there a 1/4 mile track in tucson?
67bluestang said:
Yep, there's a track in Tucson. Southwestern International Raceway is on Houghton Rd. just south of the interstate, east of Tucson. Link below with schedule.


Hey 67,

You ever seen a Gulfstream Aqua '67 coupe scooting around Tucson? Belongs to a good friend of mine.
Just moved to Tucson.... I drive the Grey 5.0.
Does anyone know a good garage (in tucson) to install mods? Exhaust, gears, etc. I thought I could do it myself, but......oops