Torque Box Kits


New Member
Oct 18, 2005
Any body know where to get a decent torque box kit and a decent price. I have looked on Ebay, but there is not a whole lot there. I have heard bad things about Dynamic Racing so I do not want to buy from them. Any suggestions?
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Rick91GT on here makes and sells them. Many guys run them. I actually bought some about a year and a half ago, but the car was down, so I didn't install them. Now that it's back up and running, I should probably get them installed...
TheUser said:
Rick91GT on here makes and sells them. Many guys run them. I actually bought some about a year and a half ago, but the car was down, so I didn't install them. Now that it's back up and running, I should probably get them installed...

X2 I beleive they are stainless steel