Totaled the bike because of some old ******

H What 4.6

New Member
Jul 29, 2005
This is my first time on since this happened so heres my story....

got out of work at 7 on sunday and im driving down a four laned road towards my house ( 2 lanes each way) with a posted speed of 40mph.... so im doing about 50 or so and in the left lane in my direction and waiting to turn into a shopping center is a buick in the left lane of the opposing lanes..... I see the lady start to turn and im thinking to myself...."she sees me....shes not going to turn..... oh **** shes turning"....

slammed on the brakes and had to be doing about 25-30mph when i hit into her passengers door..... i stood up for the impact so i went over the roof of her car and rolled down the street.... stood up screaming and cursing at her yet shes still driving into the lot..... people come running to me and stop her and all....

The old bitch who had to be about 80....ill know today when i get the police report.... says she didnt even see me and thought she hit a curb.....

anyway i got taken to the hospital and spent the rest of my night there until about 2am..... i had my jacket on and i was good up top but my jeans ripped open on my left knee and the whole thing is skinned as well as my left hip bruised and swollen and stiffer than stiff..... but nothing broken or anything....

The bike is done.... forks bent backwards and went straight through the radiator... plastics destroyed... triple tree bent... front rim bent...

anyway i made out amazingly good considering im walking away with just a couple scraps and bruises....

so with el insurance money.... i have a big debate..... new bike or go back to the dirt with a dirtbike and through a nice vortech on the stang ....
Holy crap man. First and foremost Im glad your allright.

My neighbor wrecked his old Kawasaki when a police car pulled accross the highway to "block" him (very long story). He was doing about 45-50 when they pulled infront of him and he slammed straight into the side, flew WAY over and past them. Luckily he is ok aswell.

Old people should need to re-take their drivers test yearly. Many of them wouldnt make it down there to do so, and that group would be the dangerous ones anyway.
Glad you could walk away. You can always buy another scoot.

All cagers are out to run you over. When I'm on the bike I always assume the a hole will pull out in front of me.

I had a lady push me off the road, but thankfully I predicted what she was going to do and reacted ahead of time to keep me from going off the road.

Even laying on the horn and revving the bike didn't grab her attention, maybe she was trying to commit vehicular man slaughter and I made her fail; who knows.

O do know this much: being on two wheels is the most fun you can have with your clothes on.

I also believe that people would pay more attention to motorcyclists if there was an automatic 10G fine if you were involved in an accident that involved a cycle.
holy crap man!!!! I am glad you are alright. you always have to assume other drivers do not see you on a bike never ever assume they see you always have the brake covered and starring them straight in the eyes as you get close anticipating there next move.

I too had a wreck on my bike on monday but it was out at VIR. went down outta turn 5 cause it started to rain and lost traction. the bike high sided but i am fine the gear did its job.

Note to everyone riding bikes: wear your gear do not ever say i am just going around the corner i dont need my gear. Statistics show that the most accidents happen within 5 miles of your home. PLEASE BE CAREFUL EVERYONE.
thanks for the concern all....

yea i was watching her so as soon as she started to move i slammed on the brakes because i saw it coming... but im always scanning when i ride looking at what others are doing..... i acutally endo-ed the bike right into her i was on the front brakes so hard.....

and +1 on the gear.... my jacket (has pads and all) is all scuffed up from the shoulder all the way down the sleeve..... not a single scratch on my arm

and i was about half a mile from my house
Old people should need to re-take their drivers test yearly. Many of them wouldnt make it down there to do so, and that group would be the dangerous ones anyway.

+++++++++1 i mean okay maybe you couldnt see my bright red bike and red jacket and red helmet in broad daylight ..... but then to not even know someone just slammed into your passenger door and flew over you friggin car??? .... to tell the cops and everyone you thought you hit the curb when you were in the MIDDLE of the road when it happened....

Exactly. I hate to be "age-ist" but old people (men and women, but mainly old women around here) are the scariest people on the road.

Anecdote: Yesterday i was behind one and they turned on their blinker before every intersection and slowed down to turn, then swerved back to the middle of the road after realizing it was the wrong intersection. Did this 3 times untill she took the took the same right as me, then proceed to drive in between the two yellows (turning lane) for about a mile. All of this at about 20mph in a 30mph zone. I just pulled over and prayed for the next unsuspecting driver.

Not only that, they always drive these 4,500lb boats that decimate things at even the 25mph they are going. I hear 40% of new bike riders crash in their first year, i would assume 80% of that is due to other drivers being stupid as hell.
dude, thank god your okay. those jackets are life savers. i plan on gettin my endorsment with my stimulus check. but there are some stupid people in the world. and for old people omg just be happy you dont live in port saint lucie. it liek the 3rd fast growing city in the u.s or something liek that. well guess what it was also like number one place for old peole to retire. we have at least 3 active adult communites withen like 15 mins of each other

active adult community aka place for old peolpe to live. as in if you have kids you cant live their so meaning when you turn 60 and your kids have moved out ,you can live there.

Yeah its crazy what ageing does to the mind, reaction times, sight/sound, and your senses.

Some old people drive just fine, cant even tell they are knocking on deaths door (exaggeration), but some scare me ****less.

I about had an old guy pull into the side of my Mustang at an intersection because he was looking right PAST me thinking it was clear. I had to throw the hammer down just to get out of his way.

Its a normal routine for me to honk at older folks on the road when they cut me off, pull infront of me, stop in the middle of the road for no reason, cut accross lanes, so on and so forth... they look at me like "damn kid", but c'mon. I hope I retain my mental edge when I am older.
i want a bike so badly but these stories steer me away. I'll stick to the water on my waverunner for now i guess...

dont get scarred away of bikes because there are idiots on the road. you just have to do everything in your power to protect yourself. hell i wouldnt want to drive a waverunner in a very busy lake either. you could get hit by a boat just like a biker getting hit by cars. I tend to not ride where it is very busy.

Just get the gear and watch out for everyone. assume they dont see you and move to another part of the lane of move over a lane to allow yourself more time to react.
Damn, sucks man. I wont ride another bike again. Especially because of the people like that here and the Trucks. IMO the truckers around here are the worst drivers on the road.
Bro....sux. Sorry for that happening. I feel your pain, I must have the worst/ oldest drivers in the country here in Palm times I feel like I'm running an obstacle course.

I've been very close to death before from an accident, but to me, the joy of riding and the good it does for my soul will always outweight the risk of potential injury. I'm sure you'll make the decision that's best for you.
glad you are ok, but 4 lane city roads are one of the last places you should be going over the speed limit. if you were going the speed limit, you would have needed about 15-20 feet less to stop.
Damn sucks man! IMO just buy a new bike with the insurance money, don't let the wreck get you down. And upgrade while you're at it

yea its only been a few days and there is no way in hell im going a summer without a bike..... once i find out everything from insurance i might just keep mine and rip the plastics off.... do some inverted rr forks and make it a street fighter .... or if they give me good money go for a gixxer 750
glad you are ok, but 4 lane city roads are one of the last places you should be going over the speed limit. if you were going the speed limit, you would have needed about 15-20 feet less to stop.

every street i ride on is basically a 4 lane city road
im 12 miles out of NYC and commute to school in Hoboken everyday down 495 with it....

and we are talking that i had 15 feet in TOTAL to stop .....

and i got the police report.....the guy is 88 turning 89 in June