Triax 4th grinds


New Member
Oct 5, 2003
I just installed a triax shifter in my 90 gt and i love it except for one thing. If I try to shift into 4th quickly it will making a grinding noise but if i go normal shift speed its fine. I dont kno if its the transmission or the shifter. Does anyone know the reason for this? Thanks
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There's no possible way it could be the shifter. One possible reason is the throws are a lot shorter than the stock shifter so it slams it into gear quicker....possibly causing a grinding noise. That wouldn't be the fault of the shifter though, that would be the synchros in the transmission.
A short throw shifter is a lot tighter than a stock shifter, if you didn't notice your stock shifter is loose and sloppy and had some play in it. Your short throw is tight and more precise so in that case if you syncros are worn it will grind.