Trouble with kids..

This is gonna be an unusual thread, I think.. I have run across a problem that some of you may have had some trouble with. Freakin kids around here find it great fun to mess with my car! I just moved to a new apartment in August, I don't know anyone here, so I haven't had a chance to make enemies with anyone yet, so I know it's not personal against me, they just decided my car needed to have plums from trees smeared all over it, then left in the sun to dry... THREE TIMES in one weekend! So, since complaining to their parents (who speak spanish, not english) and the apartment manager didn't accomplish a damn thing, and if I dealt with the kids the way I wanted to, then the cops might not like that, I bought a $70 security camera at radio shack instead. I swear I had not had it hooked up to my VCR for more than 5 minutes when, look what I caught on tape! So I had something to show the manager of the apartments then, and funny thing, since then no one has come near my car. Best $70 I have spent in a long time!
LMAO Well props on the catch . Well I had someone egg my car while I was at my girls house one night, We just got there like at 10:30PM or 11PM and my car was fine it had been there since like 3pm (I was with her in her mothers car.) and we go inside, and well its about 1AM so its time for me to go home and i go to get in my car and its covered in yoke I f*ucking flipped and went back and told my girl and she told her mother and her mother came outside and saw my car and felt so bad she flipped out too plus they got her house. F*ucking retarded brats that dont have **** to do with their lives, except serve us at mcdonalds but most times they dont even do that right. Well yea she wanted to get a whole security system and guard dog after that, and my girlfriend has been paranoid about me leaving my car in front of her house at night so i get to park in the back but yea.
Eggs would be even worse than plums.. wow that sux. Yeah, umm I can't do what I want to do to these kids (catch them, break each finger one by one with a hammer, drag them behind my car down a gravel road out to the boonies, then throw them off a cliff) because they are all grade-school age. Can't do that with kids that young. So I settle for getting them in trouble with their parents and the apartment manager. I told the manager next time I catch someone like this on tape, I'm going to the cops. Seems to have worked, for now..
Diffantly know how you feel. I had a neighbor hood rugrat (well hes about 12 ) throw rocks at my car while i was driving it. now were not talking pebbles. im talking about big chunks of the concrete. it left some nice big dents and scraches in by back fender.little ****. well i told his parents and they could care less. they didnt even offer to fix it.
now THAT'S the kind of deal where you either call the cops, or if that does no good, then maybe hog-tie him and drag him behind the car for a good 10 miles going 70 mph on the interstate! See if he wants to throw rocks after that... Not that I'm a fan of abusing kids, but that's one way of teaching them not to F*** with people's cars. But at least the kids around here haven't messed with my car since word of my security camera spread around. I see them ride by on bikes, staring at it like soldiers at a strip club, like they want to do something, but they don't dare touch it now. I hope it stays that way.
Since I have targets set up all through the yard and shell casings laying all over the place, I would hope that nobody would try to mess with my car. I'm wanted to get a sign that says "This property protected by Remington, Springfield Armory, Ruger, Glock, Sig Sauer and Smith and Wesson", but it would be too big. Plus all the cars stay in the garage........the ranger is outside, go figure

well i did call the cops, and they "arrested" him and scared the **** out of him. so he stays away now.