Watching the news....

Black Foxx

New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Just curious if anyone else was thinking about this, Watching the news and they are interviewing some "witnesses" of the 17 year old kid in Vancouver on mothers day, the facts are the kid ran from the cops, then when he stoped he tried to run over a Police officer with his car. Why is it when this sort of tradegy happens the media always has to try to second guys the police, seems pretty cut and dry why try to make a already bad situation worse :shrug: theres already an officer put in a situation he didn't want to make that will effect his life, and a family that lost a son, why the hell drag it out on tv.
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the fact that you watched it on TV and are telling us about it, possibly leading to US watching the news as well...thats all they care about. They dont care about who gets hurt in the process...they just want the sponsors to be happy with the ratings. I gave up on watching the news because its just too overdone. Everything is so blown out of proportion. "Deer attacks man IN HIS OWN HOUSE! after this word from our sponsors" WTF? Who's house SHOULD the deer attack him in? And we all know it will be at the very end of the program anyway, its never "coming right up". And do they ever ask the non-crack smoking people their opinions? He11 no! What fun would that be?

Yeah, sensationalism sucks. With the popularity of the internet as a news source growing, there is tighter competition for advertiser bucks. That would explain why the news is so much worse than it was 10 years ago. I dont like watching it either.
The media sucks, that's a given, but as an ex-cop I am uncomfortable with all these man vs car shootings... :shrug: They really need to set some policy and train them not to approach vehicles until its immobilized. Every situation is different but I have seen too many times where cops get out of their nice, big, heavy crown vics and then say they are justified in using deadly force because they were about to be run over. If they stayed in their car in the first place there is no threat. :shrug:

In any case, I'm not losing sleep over a dead car thief, just one less punk that might go after any of our cars... :flag:
i was told that if you steal a car in oregon or atleast portland they give you a ticket? no room for ya at the cell just the big guy's?????? peace

john :p

Depends on if the No Vacancy sign is lit...:)

Even in Washington, stealing a car is not really a big deal, the punk had done it before and got let back out so he knew it was no big deal. Why he chose to run and endanger others is something that may never be known. So, if you steal a car, or are street racing and the cops light you up. PULL OVER! Follow the officer's instructions and you will be much better off than if you run. Yes, there are many who have run from the cops and gotten away with it, but if you don't win the "attempt to elude" lottery, your license is gone and you may be looking at serious jail time instead of a ticket and higher insurance rates...

And, most imortantly, take it from Rodney King and Reginald Denny... Stay in your car!!! :)
Got to agree with jordan on the 1 less punk theory. Catch anyone trying to steal my ride, ill make sure theres 1 less punk as well. be nice if we could just hang them like they did in the old west.