what could go wrong with a 2.3 to 2.3T swap???


New Member
Apr 9, 2005
What could go wrong with a 2.3 to 2.3 turbo swap?????
I plan on rebuilding the engine
swapping it out
adding an intercooler
and an intake for the moment
and when i find more money ill add a better mods
but what can go wrong in the swap????(how can i avoid trouble??)
Do i have to add anything else to make it run right????
Make sure you download the instructions and wiring diagrams and study them for quite a while.

I am sure Stinger will be on here at some point with some comment to the effect of "see my signature" and give you an easy way to find info on these swaps.

He has good writeups on his site. Before I did the auto to manual conversion or turbo swap I studied them for quite a while. I put more into studying those than I have for some tests. He has the wiring covered for both 87-90 and 91-93.

I am sure that if you post on here with any small problems they can get figured out, there seem to be a couple of people on here that know their stuff.

Also look at Dr. Elusives ever expanding swap thread V2.0.
well i have run into problems left and right with my swap. i have been able to run it for about an elapsed total of 2 weeks since i have finished and got the car to actually run and this has been done since february. yea so be prepared and it will nickel and dime u to death.

1. when u have the motor out get it on a stand and replace every damn gasket, seal, and ring in the motor. it will cost some money for all that stuff but trust me it will be worth it. i made this mistake and now i have to put about a quart of oil in a week due to a leaking front and rear main seal. all because i was lazy.

2. hope that u or a buddy is really good with wiring. i cant even hook up my cd player but luckily i got some help.

so be ready. but u will love it. when it runs IT RUNS LIKE HELL but when it doesnt u will hate every second. really strong love/hate relationship going on. sorry to get so gloomy but i want u to know that it isnt going to be a cake-walk.

Good Luck
