what is the funnest thing a cop said to you when you were pulled over?


Founding Member
Mar 7, 2002
Cape Cod, MA
anyone have some good stories...heres mine:
i was topped out in 3rd gear at 5600rmps, in a 35 mph zone. HE dident clock me, he just saw me.

cop: THAT'll be for money
ill give you a chance: how fast were you going?

me: 30-35

cop: BUL$hit!!! you 'Kiss Me''Kiss Me''Kiss Me''Kiss Me'ing liar, lol

he comes back to me and has no more tickets!!! ha
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The few I got tickets from where very bitchy to me. The beach patrol was the worst ever... they are right up there with the bike cops. The other cops have been cool with me... hell i even had one stop by my house after I got my car painted because he wanted to check it out :lol: But no funny things said... just bad experience with beach patrol and bike cops :notnice: They act like they got something stuck up their azz around here.
Cop says, "What was you doing, showing off your transmission?"

I'm thinking "...who shows off their transmission? :scratch: I'm imagineing someone pulling up next to me and going, "Man, your transmission is sweet!" Can't see it happening...

This was after me and some 93ish V8 thunderbird took off after a red light. The cop was 2 cars behind me. I did a check first, though it was all clear. I only got to 2nd gear... I also had 3 friends in the car, too.

ive only been pulled over twice and dont really have anything funny thats happend, i had a cop laugh at me once tho when he asked how fast i was going.

officer: Do you know how fast you were going back there?
me: 45
officer: hahaha (walks back to car and comes back with a ticket for 46 in a 35 :notnice:)

i really was going 44-45 tho :scratch:
94GTLaserRC said:
(female cop) "Your car is hot! If you let me give you a B--- --b, Ill let you off with a warning" :nice:


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....I'm going to go ahead and have to bring out the :bs: flag on this one! That would NEVER happen to any of us except in a dream!!! Unless the female cop was a gargantuan 45 year old she-ogre. :puke:

Well I can't take credit for this one but I was there and it was sure funny as hell. A officer that I was working with stopped a car on I-40 and after our K9 run through it we found some meth and a stolen gun. Jim was processing him on AFIS and doing his arrest information. He tells him all the charges against him, and runs through his miranda rights again. At this point the guy is looking pretty pissed. Jim looks him right in the face and says, "but I got good news" and the guy perks up like what he has to say next is going to be good. When he asks what it was Jim looks at him and says "I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico" without cracking a smile. Needless to say we had to cram the guy back into the car and he must have been really pissed because on the way to the jail he kicked the back window out of the car, which led to another ass whippin and being hog tied. But that comment Jim made was the best I have heard so far.
Cop "Thanks for pulling over....do you know how fast you we're going...NO you were doing 92 in a 45"

I didn't do to much talking that time but the other time....also he thougth i was running because i didn't see him back there and i was going 115ish i just got luck he shut off the radar at 92....and about 2min after he said that i had 6 squad cars behind me and to others drove by...i guess he called for back up.

Cop: Do you know how fast you were going.
Me: Not realy
Cop: you were going realy fast

I didn't get a ticket becuase he didn't clock lol
2L8ULUZ2 said:
Well I can't take credit for this one but I was there and it was sure funny as hell. A officer that I was working with stopped a car on I-40 and after our K9 run through it we found some meth and a stolen gun. Jim was processing him on AFIS and doing his arrest information. He tells him all the charges against him, and runs through his miranda rights again. At this point the guy is looking pretty pissed. Jim looks him right in the face and says, "but I got good news" and the guy perks up like what he has to say next is going to be good. When he asks what it was Jim looks at him and says "I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico" without cracking a smile. Needless to say we had to cram the guy back into the car and he must have been really pissed because on the way to the jail he kicked the back window out of the car, which led to another ass whippin and being hog tied. But that comment Jim made was the best I have heard so far.

HAHAHAHAHAHA...if that story is true then it needs to be entered into the hall of fame hahahahaha...no telling how many police officers those commercials have inspired!! :)
I had a little ford ranger in High School and was pissed off at my girl friend and left a little rubber in the DQ parking lot. When I got to the street, look up in rearview and saw the lights. He came up and said he should give me a ticket for such a piss poor burn off, but he didn't thank goodness.

95GTvert[bv12] said:
Cop "Thanks for pulling over....do you know how fast you we're going...NO you were doing 92 in a 45"

I didn't do to much talking that time but the other time....also he thougth i was running because i didn't see him back there and i was going 115ish i just got luck he shut off the radar at 92....and about 2min after he said that i had 6 squad cars behind me and to others drove by...i guess he called for back up.

Cop: Do you know how fast you were going.
Me: Not realy
Cop: you were going realy fast

I didn't get a ticket becuase he didn't clock lol

Luck story of the year.

Yes, I am drunk. LOL. :lol:
Pulled over on the way home a few years ago on a semi-rainy night at about 11:45pm.
Before cop says a word:
Me (in a loud announcer style voice): May I help you?
cop: No, but you were wavering in the road a little back there and you seemed to be going a bit fast down that hill.
Me: Yeah, these heavy cars tend to get a bit of speed on them going down a hill and I really didn't wanna make a pancake outta that dog back there.
cop: Okay, be careful, it can get a tad slick with this rain and all. I wish my squad car over there sounded like that! Have a nice night.
Me: Okay.

No ticket or anything.
I wish it was always that easy.
Mrgreen94gt said:
Pulled over on the way home a few years ago on a semi-rainy night at about 11:45pm.
Before cop says a word:
Me (in a loud announcer style voice): May I help you?
cop: No, but you were wavering in the road a little back there and you seemed to be going a bit fast down that hill.
Me: Yeah, these heavy cars tend to get a bit of speed on them going down a hill and I really didn't wanna make a pancake outta that dog back there.
cop: Okay, be careful, it can get a tad slick with this rain and all. I wish my squad car over there sounded like that! Have a nice night.
Me: Okay.

No ticket or anything.
I wish it was always that easy.

:rlaugh: :lol: :lol:
Imyourzero said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA...if that story is true then it needs to be entered into the hall of fame hahahahaha...no telling how many police officers those commercials have inspired!! :)

That one is 100% true. I have heard some funny things said by officers before but that has been the best. Needless to say after that one was used and the county had to replace a window in a car there was a message on the bulletin board saying that we are not to use that line again.
2L8ULUZ2 said:
That one is 100% true. I have heard some funny things said by officers before but that has been the best. Needless to say after that one was used and the county had to replace a window in a car there was a message on the bulletin board saying that we are not to use that line again.

Classic... You GOTTA get a pic or a scan of the sign... :rlaugh:
I was driving home one night going the speed limit when out of the blue flashing light came coming at me from behind. i pull over and the spot light on the cop car is shining in my side rear view window and the cop comes up with his flash light all in my face. Next all i hear is laughing and he yells out says 10 bucks says i'm drunker than you. turns out my buddy was woking the night shift :rlaugh: