What's a good H-pipe?


New Member
Dec 2, 2003
Hey everyone. While I've almost got the whole cylinder head deal figured out, I still need to complete my prospective exhaust setup. I'm going to get Hooker SuperComp headers, either a Borla/SVO or Spintech side exhaust cat back, and an undetermined midpipe. I've decided to go with an H-pipe over an X-pipe because of the deeper sound produced by the H. My question is: Which one do I go with? I've looked at stuff like MAC and BBK, but what's good? What will work with the Hookers and the Borla/SVO or Spintech the best? Thanks as always.
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I like my MRT H-pipe. They come in catted and O/R versions. A lot of people here like the MAC prochamber, but I got the MRT because it's stainless steel (no worries about it rusting through).