Whats the stuff to clean head lites?

bigcat said:
its called money. you buy new headlights.
Yeah and not all of us have money just falling out of our asses either.

I remember reading some write-ups about sanding them down with very fine sandpaper and using scratch filler or something to smooth them back out. They looked almost as good as new when done.
I remember something like that too!! But they make a little cheap kit you just wipe on and off. Probably some lite hand buffing.
Ohh willys thought you would have an S197 by now.

Bout the Head lights... I agree with the buy new ones, they will never look great again, dont waste your money on a cleaner when your gonna buy new ones in a year anyway
S&B said:
Ohh willys thought you would have an S197 by now.

Bout the Head lights... I agree with the buy new ones, they will never look great again, dont waste your money on a cleaner when your gonna buy new ones in a year anyway
If I can clean em why buy new ones?
You know how I'm going to fix the problem of my headlights yellowing? I'm going to put a Capri nose back on it. I fuggin' HATE aero headlights. Mine are 2 or so years old and are foggy and yellow as ****. I HATE THEM!! I like the look but, damn them all to hell. Besides, my car is a Capri and should probably look like one. LOL

...or an '86 GT haven't made up my mind yet. LOLL