Where to find Procharger for v6


Founding Member
Dec 20, 2001
West Texas
Hey guys.. i have some money built up and i am looking to procharge my 04 v6.. I know its expensive, and that i can get an old 5.0 for cheap and make it faster than the v6, but i want to be different than everyone around here.. And, im tired of being ridiculed for not having a v8.. So, time to start making some big talking v8's look bad!! Anyway, anyone have any sites where i can purchase the procharger? I visited Procharger.com, but no listing for pricing.. Who sales them? Or, does anyone have a used one for sale??


The folks over at RPM Outlet don't know their asses from a hole in the ground. They are simply salesmen, not tech-knowledgeable in the least. I'd say even if they are cheaper, its not worth fooling with them b/c if you ever need tech assistance, they'll be of little to know help. I'd try talking to one of the above places first and see if they will price match RPM Outlet, and if so you'll get the best of both worlds.