which seats??


Founding Member
Nov 11, 2000
Hampton, VA
I have a 92 LX and the driver side seat is starting to bother me and get a little broken down. I am a pretty big guy (6'4" - 250 lbs) and I want a new seat that will be comfortable for everyday use and for trips once and a while but still do a decent job of holding me in my seat in the twisty's. I have been looking on corbeau's website but dont know what to get. Does anyone have any pics of specific seats or any suggestions on what I should get?? Thanks in advance.
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I have Recaro's in my 90 notch and I can say they're the best seats I've ever sat in. They might be a little pricy compared to others but they're well worth it. They also look awsome.
90blacknight said:
I have Recaro's in my 90 notch and I can say they're the best seats I've ever sat in. They might be a little pricy compared to others but they're well worth it. They also look awsome.

What kind of recaro's?? I went to their site and they have all kinds with names. Which ones do you have??
I want a set so fuggin bad I hate the GT seats they are uggly. Mine are really clean and I see they bring some decent coin on ebay so when I get some Recaro's I will either sell the GT's on ebay or put them away for when the time comes to sell the car (doubt it)