white gauges


New Member
Aug 4, 2004
austin TX
i bought a set of white gauges for my 94 and right off the bat noticed a difference besides color. my stock tach goes to 7 and this goes to 8. second the low coolant and seatbelt indicators are switched. has anyone ran across this? how did you solve it? i already contacted company about returning them but they only wanted to give a credit but they mainly sell rice rocket crap that doesnt interest me. did i waste 36 bux? :bang:
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what kind of company doesn't let you return something you just bought from them?

if they told you it was for a 94/95 gt, then they have to either give you the right thing or give you your money back.

i'd complain to the manager and then his boss if that gets you nowhere.
believe me i have gone round and round with them over numerous phone calls. their reasoning was because it was sold for a specific vehicle and they contacted a 'dealer' who stated that the tach goes to 8 on 94-5 gts (BS) and that they would gladly take it back in exchange for a store credit(online). like i said its a rice rocket store but i bought the gauges off of ebay and didnt realize it was that type of store. if im out the 36 its coo but i would like to use them if i can.
the 96-98 tach goes to 8000. i'd sell it and get the right one. anything else will be more trouble than would be worth it.


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