Will Fox Bodies go up in value?

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I'm not sure where you live but in NJ they are dirt cheap! In time they will definitly go up. Ive been rite about all my predictions. About 10 years ago I got really into 60's station wagons. People said I was nuts. Well, prices went u-p on those.:D

And 5 years ago you could pick up a nice 1976-81 Trans Am or Z-28 for under 10 grand. I told everyone to watch them. They have EXPLODED in price. I see 5.0's going up within 5 more years.
Rare editions of 5.0's will be harder and harder to find.

Rust free cars, and clean low mileage stock cars will go up in value.

Unless all of our cars decide to eat themselves with rust in the next 5 years, or the earth blows up because of global warming the market will still be saturated with foxes in 5 years.

These cars, like 95% of all other cars, are just money pits. They will never recoup the amount of time, money, and sweat we have put into them.

Spend 10k right now on a 2k fox, and you can sell it for 6-7k .. even with receipts, and thats only if your 2k fox is worthy of being sold..

My 0.02...

once its over 50 years old im sure it'll be high in value in rarity alone ;) Wait until its 100 and u'll be sitting on a fair chunk of cash im sure.

The foxbody will be a 100 years old in 2079. :rolleyes: They'll have cars that fly by then. :D

I hope im sitting on a perfect 2.3 notch with 35k miles, perfect shape, and want to get something for it down the road.

WOOOOO there buddy slow down! I hate to be a joy killer but it will be quite some time before 2.3's fetch any money. In 2079 it will be pretty nice with that mileage! :D
the close to stock they are the more desirable they are going to be in year's to come,

id love to pick up a low mileage fox body some day when im older.

mine has 94k on it right now..it aint to bad.
Fox bodies are increasing in value, unfortunately, it isn't the ones that have been modded with everything including what seems like the kitchen sink.

Hate to dissagree with some opinions, but have you seen the prices of stock, low mileage coupes? Have you seen the prices on stock, low mileage '93 Cobras? Have you seen the prices for stock low mileage '93 Special Verts? Have you seen the prices for stock low mileage '92 Special verts? Have you seen the prices for stock low mileage non-sc Saleens? Have you seen the prices for '93 R's. Pretty much any low mileage 5.0 LX is going up in value. They are getting harder and harder to find, and with this trend, prices go up.

In New Jersey, where many cars are starting to turn to rust, as with any car that starts to rise in value, people will look outside the midwest and rustbelt for their cars and will pay more for one that has not been opened or modded up.

As far as station wagons, I still rather would have put my money into a real muscle car way back when (which I did at the tune of a 735% increase in value in 3 years). Percentage-wise, I would still be way ahead of the curve. Station Wagons are cool, but it is for the special collector, and someone that has a big arsed garage to be able to park those boats.
I don't know about going up, but if you take care of the car an don't go crazy dumping money into it, I would think you will always get your money back. Cheap, fun, easy to work on, plenty of parts available will always be in demand to some degree.
Like all the other muscle cars, the closer you keep it to stock, the more its worth. Lots of guys think, cause they sunk untold thousands into their 5.0, chassis work, titanimotors, blowers, thumpity-thump stereos, whatever, the money will come back. But they are gonna be treated like hatchet jobs, no matter how well its done. That being said, do your Mustang like you want it, not like you want to make money when you sell it, and you'll be lots happier, imo. And don't expect it to be free/cheap, this is a full contact, expensive hobby.
they have been going up around here for years. not much, but at least they're not going down. i find prices around here are almost double what they are in the states also. i think most of it has to do with the weather eating these cars up around here. almost every time i go for a drive or wash my car, someone tells me how much they want one and how they love these cars. but they're getting harder and harder to find in nice shape up here. but i don't expect them to ever be worth much. i don't think you should ever expect to make money on a fox for quite some time
If your only interested in the value of your car climbing then you don't really want a foxbody, I could care less if my car was worth 3 dollars, to me it would still be priceless, because that is what I want........