Wrecked, lucky to be alive

25thmustang said:
Theres a HUGE difference between doing 80 on a highway where traffic is also going 80, and doing 90 into a 35 mph curve in the road. He readily admits it was too fast, and the car was not able to handle it (bald tires).

I HATE when people say we have all done dumb things like this, when how do you know what I did. I personally have never wrecked a car, never curbed a car, never even come close to doing anything like that. I rarely hit 80+ mph and when I do Im on a highway that I know extremely well, and there is noone around. On the 35 mph curves in town, youd be hardpressed to see me going much faster than 40-45.

Hes lucky he didnt get hurt, and lucky to have an udnerstanding parent. Use this as a way to make sure you never do it again for the rest of your life!

It was just one bad tire. Some shop told her it was bald because of misalignment. The other 3 tires were in pretty good shape. But again, she told me that there was a bad tire and to be careful, so I had it coming to me.
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Boss 351 said:
3 lessons to be learned

1) Mom shouldn't lend car to son anymore
2) Son will learn to slow down a little
3) Parents should maybe rethink letting their son own a 5.0L

1. Mom is never letting me drive a car in her name again.
2. Lesson definitely learned.
3. Parents are rethinking the 5.0 situation, but maybe if I can convince them that I have learned from my mistake I will get it back instead of some small 4 cylinder car they are talking about.
Being an idiot in your car only makes it harder for us out there with cops and raises our insurance rates. Hope you learned your lesson.......90mph around a turn in a stock v6....come on man, your smarter than that....
dls322 said:
Being an idiot in your car only makes it harder for us out there with cops and raises our insurance rates. Hope you learned your lesson.......90mph around a turn in a stock v6....come on man, your smarter than that....

That newer v6 will handle a curve a lot better than my 5.0. Give the car some credit, it is slow as hell but it will handle a curve pretty decent.
We all learn some lessons the hard way in some form or fashion... Luck would have it, no one was hurt here and that's one thing that counts, the other is that the lesson is learned.
slow95gt said:
Yeah lets get some pics, the 99+ cars do handle better than the 5.0's except the 94-95's, and nothing comes close to the svo for a stock mustang, except the r cars.

Yeah, I really don't know much about the newer stangs, but this is a stock vert with no subframe conectors....won't there be some body roll or are the newer ones (hopefully :rolleyes: ) built better structurally than the vert 5.0's.
If that was me...any anyones car my moms, dads, grandmas, 3rd cousin once removed...my dads foot would be sooo far up my ass I could taste it....you got off easy
What's wrong with going around turns at 90 mph? I do it frequently! It's very fun and if you know how to control the car, know your surroundings, and not endanger anyone else but yourself... HAVE FUN! :nice:
PoopDawg said:
What's wrong with going around turns at 90 mph? I do it frequently! It's very fun and if you know how to control the car, know your surroundings, and not endanger anyone else but yourself... HAVE FUN! :nice:

People with driving skills, yeah. Apparently he doesn't know how to handle a car going 90 around a corner.