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Looky what I bought Mike.

What's it taste like?? Inquiring minds wanna know?
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It won't take Dave long to empty either bottle :cheers:
It'll take a little time Chris, it's something like 135 proof! Doesn't take much to light one's butt up.

I didn't know Mike was getting me one, he's a good guy. The other one I bought shall be opened at work tomorrow (of course after work hours:nice:). My boss is a whiskey nut. It will be a good time to ask for that raise I so richly deserve.:dammit:
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It'll take a little time Chris, it's something like 135 proof! Doesn't take much to light one's butt up.

I didn't know Mike was getting me one, he's a good guy. The other one I bought shall be opened at work tomorrow (of course after work hours:nice:). My boss is a whiskey nut. It will be a good time to ask for that raise I so richly deserve.:dammit:

Sippin' Whiskey huh?
maybe make Mike save the 2nd bottle for mustang week next year :D
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So then the request for reader comments section today is to ask about the cowl paint. The original plan was to carry the satin black all the way back to the windshield. But considering that I am doing the thing at the front of the hood to keep the orange contrast against the black balanced, you guys like the current paint with the black cowl piece, or do you think I should take the black all the way back?

My vote is to paint the cowl cover orange, and leave the area around it alone. I really like your scheme with the hood right now.
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What's it taste like?? Inquiring minds wanna know?
It is very smooth,...despite the fact that it is so strong.
It's a very good bourbon, so on the sweet side for whiskeys. Though its potent as hell, what's the proof rating @madmike1157 ?
It won't take Dave long to empty either bottle :cheers:
130.5. Even after the painting, and before the party, we both had a rocks glass with the standard pour, and were both lit after the one glass.

It'll take a little time Chris, it's something like 135 proof! Doesn't take much to light one's butt up.


I didn't know Mike was getting me one, he's a good guy. The other one I bought shall be opened at work tomorrow (of course I after work hours:nice:). My boss is a whiskey nut. It will be a good time to ask for that raise I so richly deserve.:dammit:
Wait till the second glass,...then prop him up, and move his hand up and down on the signature line approving the raise.
Sippin' Whiskey huh?
maybe make Mike save the 2nd bottle for mustang week next year :D

It has take me 3 years to get it down to half bottle. I save it for VIP visits.

My vote is to paint the cowl cover orange, and leave the area around it alone. I really like your scheme with the hood right now.

No. We're talkin about Moonshine here. The cowl question was about the orange that surrounds the black cover. The color on the cowl cover is not open for discussion.
You wanna talk about the moonshine with the rest of us, or talk about non-issues like the black on the cowl cover?

OMFG :rlaugh: :rlaugh: :rlaugh: :rlaugh: OMFG :rlaugh: :rlaugh: :rlaugh: :rlaugh:

wait... wait... :rlaugh: :rlaugh: :rlaugh::rlaugh: :rlaugh: :rlaugh: stop
And I was so likin this place......It was like home.

Do It.......

Shut up Chris.
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Again..... Sorry Mike..

Glad to know that's good whiskey though :)
It is Chris, it is. I'm not going to open the one I bought till work tomorrow, should make for a fun afternoon!:drool:

Just think, if it weren't for Mikey, I would be ignorant of such stuff. He has a fine selection of whiskeys. I wish my wife liked whiskey like Kate does.
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It is Chris, it is. I'm not going to open the one I bought till work tomorrow, should make for a fun afternoon!:drool:

Just think, if it weren't for Mikey, I would be ignorant of such stuff. He has a fine selection of whiskeys. I wish my wife liked whiskey like Kate does.

I did some auto repairs for a friend of mine recently,and as a thank you he gave me a bottle of Woodford Reserve, Pretty good Bourbon

Edit: I'm with ya on the wife thing- mine only likes vodka lol
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I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong with Wrangler jeans ?? What the hell are ya suppose to wear !!!
For the answer to that question, Look at my sig pic. I'm wearing a welding apron, and the whole purpose of that pic was for a gag when others were trying to nail down what I must look like. Our recently exiled 69-70 Mustang expert thought I was wearing Bib overalls,..( ala Granpa Jones on Hee Haw) which I'm assuming he calls generically "Wranglers". (Obviously incorrect again, as with every other observation that dim bulb made during his brief stay here.)
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So,...for the sake of being an "official update" and because I get to steal pictures that Dave has already taken, and posted, is the official recap of the weekend.

The rescheduled paint date was this weekend. I picked up my friend Dave (The painter) from the airport at 2PM friday afternoon. 1 hour later were were at my house, in "paint clothes" and working in earnest to get the car ready for paint. The hood that I had been obsessing over for months was the first thing I wanted him to look at and surprisingly, he said that it was actually pretty good.
(I swore the thing was gonna look like ass)

Granted, it wasn't "ready for prime time" as it sat, and it took him two hours of finessing the thing, but soon enough, he was ready to call it done. he primed the thing for a final blocking.

The rest of the day, and up until midnight, we spent prepping the separate pieces,...getting them ready for paint. By midnight, they were ready.
We called it quits, and got some sleep. Because it gets so hot here by 10 AM, he wanted to get back at it early enough to beat the heat. "Early for him is before dawn.......Considering that I actually hadn't really slept, getting up at all was a major chore in of itself,....but eventually,...I drug my ass downstairs, and we were back at it by 6AM.

As with everything on this car,....nothing has went completely perfect. And in keeping with that tradition, the pressure switch on the compressor failed. In other words, it would not turn on when I turned it "on". It just sat there and stared back at me. After a few panicked moments, I managed to remove the cover of the compressor pressure switch, and by some quirk, decided to stick a screwdriver into a slot and forced the contacts closed to get the compressor to restart. But, as soon as I removed the screwdriver, the thing quit., I spent the entire weekend sticking a screwdriver into a slot on a switch that had 220 volts wired to it......

The separates painted w/o incident. By the time we were done with them, and as fast as the paint was drying however, Dave decided to forego trying to paint the car at that time, so we basically spent the rest of the time prepping the car for paint. I had him two tone the tail light recess.

Done by 3, day one was put to rest. We had a party to go to at 6 PM, so we had to clean up, and get ready for that.

We didn't stay late at all given that we had this day in front of us,..matter of fact, we were home by 10. All I'll say about the party, is that Dave enjoyed himself....... Thoroughly.

Back out in the garage at 6 AM this morning, we got back to business.

Even though I took precautions and tried to keep the dirt at bay, I still managed to get dirt in the paint. I also had a water spattering issue, but not for lack of draining the lines and compressor,....there was just water in the hose as a result on a non-stop running compressor, that occasionally made it's way out onto the paint.

Dave says it's not the end of the world, but I'd just as soon not had it happen.

So, that brings me to the end of the talking...........

That brings you to the beginning of the pictures.


Let's just say that I don't like my picture taken.






And everything put up,...waiting on my next opportunity to see if I cant scratch something.

And then there's Dave, and me..... If not for him,...none of this would be here today..Almost 48 hours to the minute, I dropped our buddy Dave off at the airport.


Thanks Dave,.....You are definitely THE MAN.

So the day you painted your car is the day I got married. Your milestone will help me to not forget my wedding anniversary in the future.

::wakes up in the morning a year from now::

August 7th... oh yea, Mike finally painted his car on this day last year. Oh sh*t, it's my anniversary!

::runs to store to get gift and card::

I thank you in advance, Mike
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I hope this is safe... :hide:

Mike, are you aware of the Fox chassis Lincoln Continental having a factory hood support spring mechanism? I didn't mention it before 'cause you seemed to have it handled, but in light of recent developments, etc.

The pictures look great, but of course that just makes me want more. I showed some to my son, who was duly impressed.
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I hope this is safe... :hide:

Mike, are you aware of the Fox chassis Lincoln Continental having a factory hood support spring mechanism? I didn't mention it before 'cause you seemed to have it handled, but in light of recent developments, etc.

The pictures look great, but of course that just makes me want more. I showed some to my son, who was duly impressed.
I did not know that,..but now that I have the hood set at a "pretty close", I'm leavin that bish right where it's at.
So the day you painted your car is the day I got married. Your milestone will help me to not forget my wedding anniversary in the future.

::wakes up in the morning a year from now::

August 7th... oh yea, Mike finally painted his car on this day last year. Oh sh*t, it's my anniversary!

::runs to store to get gift and card::

I thank you in advance, Mike
No Problem Scott,...anything I can do to keep you married for one more year, then my work goals are truly fulfilled.

I understand that you're a twenty something, maybe this will have a little more impact.

When you consider that I've been married LONGER than you've been alive,...keeping up with the important things (like anniversaries) as well as the little ones are the guarantee to a truly happy marriage.
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