fuel pump

  1. 9

    Unknown fuel issue. Fuel pump not turning on

    So I’ve been having this trouble with my beautiful SN95 GT 5.0 mustang. When I turn the key the fuel pump doesn’t make any sounds at all. So far I have replaced the fuel pump, and the CCRM. I have tested the voltage and it’s getting low voltage but I think it’s just because it hasn’t started in...
  2. S

    Electrical 2000 v6 fuel pump diagram

    Not so simple as is. I cant seem to find a wiring diagram for a 2000 v6 fuel pump. I dont want to rip the interior out to track the wires if possible i kno someone knows where all the wires go. Little background on the car, was a v6 its LS & t56 swapped. Cut out the ccrm and pulled all uneeded...
  3. MoDriver

    SOLD ProCharger P600B Supercharger w/Intercooler for 96-01 Ford SVT Cobra

    [SOLD] Listed for sale is a polished ProCharger p600b kit (With Intercooler and new Fuel Injectors) that was designed for 1996-1998 Cobra Mustangs that a coworker adapted to a 1999 Cobra Mustang (so, it likely can work on 1999-2001 Cobras). I bought it from a coworker to use on a 1998 Mustang...
  4. S

    SN95 External Fuel Pump

    I'm almost ready to mount my Carter electric fuel pump and begin running line. I have a sumped stock fuel tank and I'm running -8an braided up to the carb for my 393w swap. Where does everyone mount external electric fuel pumps on these cars? I'm looking underneath the car and I cannot find a...
  5. R

    Shuts Off When Clutch Pedal Completely Released. Relays Clicking, Fuel Pump Wiring?

    Hey foxbody fam, I had an issue I was hoping yall could help me with. Recently my '87 5.0 5-speed has been shutting off when the clutch pedal is completely released, up to the point where I can start the car and will run perfectly (with the clutch pedal pressed in), but the second I take the...
  6. 4


    Hello everyone, my name is Brad and in located in the southern NH area. The car is a 1990 medium cabernet lx convertible fox 5.0 with a 5 speed. I've had the car for about a year and a half and it's been a great car especially considering i picked it up fairly cheap ($1,300). I picked the car up...
  7. E

    Electrical Fuel Pump Issue?

    Alright so I've been across every corner of the internet and have finally broken down to make a forum post,I have recently gotten a 1995 Mustang,3.8l V6. It has a brand new motor with only 30 miles on it and the whole front end has been completely put back together,by myself and two other...
  8. S

    Carb Fuel System Help

    Building a 393w to put into a 1995 gt. Sumped stock tank Air gap intake Alluminum heads Manual trans 750 and 830 holley double pumper (So i can choose from either) Hydraulic roller cam 240/248 @.050 on a 107 lsa I am thinking about getting a carter p4594 pump 72 gph with -8an line from tank to...
  9. Mooney35

    Electrical Problems 2004 Mustang Gt

    Hi all, my 2002 Mustang GT has been giving me some problems recently. Within the last two weeks I repainted my front fenders myself, but while I had been painting them the car was out of cover and got rained on. I didn't think much of it at first but then I realized my CCRM (Constant Control...
  10. Trent B

    1986 Gt Shut Off/fuel Pump Issue

    Hey what's up guys, Im new to the forum here. So here's my dilemma. I have a 1986 GT 5.0 That keeps shutting off. You start the car up, it runs fine, sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for a few seconds. Sometimes it will shut off on its own, sometimes it will happen if you press the...
  11. R

    No Power At Fuel Pump Harness, Will Get Power If Jumped

    What's up everyone, Pretty new here I have never posted anything until now but I was wondering if anyone had any experience in diagnosing no power at the fuel pump harness. I have a '87 Notch 5.0 that died on me while I was driving, and I have narrowed down my issue to the fuel pump harness not...
  12. fatdaddylines

    Help! Gt Cranks But Only Starts Once In Awhile.

    Hey my friends! My daughter and I own a '99 Mustang GT 4.6 V8 with 104,000 miles. Its been a great machine. Last year the car started to develop a problem. It would crank over with no start. No Check Engine light. Come back and it would start and run fine for a few days. Last fall as we were...
  13. Noobz347

    Fuel Flow Forensics 1

    Fuel Flow Forensics article from Muscle Mustangs and Fast Fords: August 2004
  14. 87hatchirv

    1987 Hatchback Fuel Pump Won't Prime

    Ive recently been putting everything back together on my 1987 mustang, car used to run well and fuel pump was working perfectly. After connecting most of the wiring (some of the wiring was found just hanging or cut) I turned the key and didn't hear the fuel pump prime. I checked the valve to see...
  15. DSG_Mach

    Help Fuel Gauge Not Working!

    Hi guys/gals My 2003 Mach One Mustang's fuel gauge stopped working a while back and my low fuel light is on in the dash. I haven't really worried about it but the other day I ran out of gas because I forgot I didn't fill the tank all the way last time I got gas. I have searched the forums to...
  16. S

    99 Gt Intermittent Driveability Problems

    Hey guys, New member, i have used this site's knowledge in the past on many issues ( thanks for that), but I've come to a problem I need to reach out to you guys. I am on many different forums, bikes, motorcycles, chevy truck etc.. so let me start by saying thanks for looking at a new post by a...
  17. M

    2003 Mustang Gt Starting Problem Cranks No Start First Try

    So my 2003 gt does not start on the first try but the 2nd try starts up within 2 seconds. I have a 78mm throttle body cold air intake.I cleaned the IAC and egr still nothing I checked the fuel pressure got around 30-40 psi. Changed fuel filter was really black and dirty. Not sure if fuel...
  18. D

    Fuel Fuel Pump Priming Time?

    Hey duders, I recall reading somewhere that the fuel pump should prime for 5-20 seconds. Well, mine has always primed for about 2 seconds. Is that a problem? Bad fuel pump?
  19. F

    Fuel Pump Wont Kick

    Hey guys, it seems I made a big mistake... I decided to switch my engine harness with one a buddy had for me which seemed to be out of a 91 my car is an 88 mass air conversion, now what seemed like a simple process turned into a nightmare after switching the harnesses i realized i had some...