05 GT: Bassani VS. Flowmaster - thoughts?


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Hotlanta, GA
What are you guys' thoughts on the two? Is one better than the other or is it a matter of personal preference?

PS - My brother insists on Bassani and has them installed on his 04 Cobra. Just wanted to get other male opinions :D
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Yeah, those are what I have. But get them from ajusa.com because their prices are dirt cheap. And yes, your K&N sounds right - that's what mine looks like too. I just took out my HCT trap again tonight and everything is running good (maybe better?). Good luck and I hope it comes soon!
Well I work for Magnaflow- so thats what Ill suggest-

but Flowmaster vs Bassani- those are kind of two opposites-

Flowmaster is going to have more interior resonation, will have a more metallic sound

Bassani will be a more exotic smoother sound

One is chambered, one is straight through one is aluminized, one is stainless....

Big price difference.....

If hp is most important to you-

If sound is what is important

GNN60GT500 said:
Well I work for Magnaflow- so thats what Ill suggest-

but Flowmaster vs Bassani- those are kind of two opposites-

Flowmaster is going to have more interior resonation, will have a more metallic sound

Bassani will be a more exotic smoother sound

One is chambered, one is straight through one is aluminized, one is stainless....

Big price difference.....

If hp is most important to you-

If sound is what is important


Brent... got any hints on when Magnaflow will officially be releasing their V6 axleback (15889) kit?
judging by that sound clip please don't get the jba...that sounds horrible. Almost like a six cylinder with hollow exhaust. Does not sound like a mustang at all. flows have more of a muscle car sound and bassani will be very smooth and exotic sounding.
dont' get defensive because I said I thought it sounded like ass and you have it. It doesn't sound like a mustang. I'm the ass and yet you are calling me names...a little childish wouldn't you say? It is a matter of opinion and to me the jba sounds terrible. If you like it awesome more power to you but it doesn't sound like a mustang to me. But even with flows I thought the 05's dont' sound like a "mustang" to me. Sorry for offending you.
Bassani all the way!

I was thinking about getting the JBAs since I don't think they sound bad at all, but when I heard the Bassani it was all over. I really don't think the Flowmasters sound that great, but this is only judging from the clip I heard. I heard the one on their site comparing the Flowmasters and the stock mufflers and I really think the stock sound better, but I am sure the Flowmasters sound better in person.
ShadowBok said:
Anyone know if Bassani or Magnaflow offers a custom tune for the Diablosport Predator? I never would have thought one was needed for exhaust, but I noticed that Steeda has one available for their axle-back.

Which brings up another question...how does the Steeda exhaust compare to the Bassani, FM, and Magna?
GNN60GT500 said:
Well I work for Magnaflow- so thats what Ill suggest-

but Flowmaster vs Bassani- those are kind of two opposites-

Flowmaster is going to have more interior resonation, will have a more metallic sound

Bassani will be a more exotic smoother sound

One is chambered, one is straight through one is aluminized, one is stainless....

Big price difference.....

If hp is most important to you-

If sound is what is important

Thanks, Brent! Increased HP is my overall goal, but also love the way the mod exhaust sounds. I will be nearly broke by the time my girlie arrives, so I may have to go with the less expensive alternative.