#1 cylinder has quit firing, heeeeelp


New Member
Nov 5, 2004
Ok, my '92 GT has been parked for a couple of years. So about a month ago, I get it out, change the oil, new plugs etc etc. Shes running real good, all is great blah blah blah. I buy a Procharger kit for it, go out one day, going to take it up the road. Its missing, and starts smoking badly. Checked fire, getting plenty, pull the plug, you can dump gas out of it. So I swapped in an injector I had lying around. Same thing. New plugs, same thing. Cleaned the plug, let the cylinder dry out, put the plug back and let it be for a week or so, thinking when I go back it will fire before it has time to flood. WRONG, same story.

So any help here will be greatly appreciated. Kind of hard to Supercharge a car that won't hit on all 8. So its really $%&^@%&#$ me off.
That was hard for me to follow.

Did you swap a couple plug wires around (to see if the miss followed the plug wire)?

Did you pressure test your existing injector to ensure it isnt leaking?

Good luck.
Sorry...lol Was late leaving for work, and was typing in a hurry.

I have:
Swapped Plugs
Swapped Wires
Swapped Injectors

Now Im gooing to pull the valve cover and check the valve springs, rockers, and lifters.
Tang419 said:
Ok, ran a test on the injector wires. The #1 injector isnt pulsing, the light stays on solid.
Look for a pinched injector ground wire. It happens during installs.

Good luck.