4/22 Knott Car Show


Founding Member
Nov 30, 1998
Mesa, AZ
Anyone from Stangnet heading to Knotts this weekend for the car show?
I'll be heading out on Friday with Kingsford for the show.
Always a good time with 1,800 Ford in attendance.
mine im hurting from walking all day................and sunburnt too
Ditto. Funny how you can get a sunburn when it's cloudy all day. Wouldn't be a car show without a little sunburn though.

BTW that was me (with my daughter) that stuck my head in your passenger side window and said hey when you were in the exit line. The car looked great! Hard to miss...
It was a great show again. Lots of awesome cars. Got to see Reen's blue 68. I was hoping to catch up with Reen and ask a few questions about some of his work , but he wasn't around at that time. I had a great time... until the guy in the yellow Fox Mustang rammed my door when we were trying to leave the show.
This was by far my favorite car, I think it helped that I happened to be there when he fired it up, Instant wood

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