4.6 and nitrous


Founding Member
Jun 30, 2002
i have been thinking about nitrous on my car since the day i bought it. A guy that i know real well at ford thinks any amount of nitrous is bad for the 4.6 due to the crappy rods. I think a 75 shot wouldnt hurt though. Is he right? He is one of the die hard 5.0 guys that are use to coming stock with forged internals, so any rod that isnt forged looks like crap to him
any 5.0 after 89, I think, have the same rods we have. Same type of metal I mean. If you have plenty of fuel, you dont have to worry about anything other than the puddling problem we have in our Intake. They like to EXPLODE.
BVille99GT said:
Nitrous is a great (cheap) power adder. I would recommed a dry shot instead of a wet shot for obvious reasons (plastic intake). Just don't go over 100 DRY shot without retarding timing, etc...


try a 75 dry shot with at least 1 step colder plugs and buy all the safety equipment if this is your first time using nitrous. the rods are pretty much the same i believe and the 5.0's(stock) are not stronger to my knowledge.
mogs01gt said:
any 5.0 after 89, I think, have the same rods we have. Same type of metal I mean. If you have plenty of fuel, you dont have to worry about anything other than the puddling problem we have in our Intake. They like to EXPLODE.

MOGS is right on it. if he has a 89+ tell him that & see how he reacts it ought to be funny. those 5.0 guys get on my nerves sometimes with stuff like that, they think they know more about the 4.6 than they really do
Premium Speed said:

try a 75 dry shot with at least 1 step colder plugs and buy all the safety equipment if this is your first time using nitrous. the rods are pretty much the same i believe and the 5.0's(stock) are not stronger to my knowledge.

Don't you think if he wants to spray, he should his homework.
I'm just given my $0.02

I have a wet system that I purchased and I want to do a 50 or 75 hp shot. Is their anyway to lessen the chances of blowing my plastic intake? You know it would seem that their would be a spray material that you could use to harden the intake. Plus my intake is the one with the metal front.
I have a question for you guys hope you can help out, i installed a nitrous works wet kit but i didn't install the fuel lines, so is basically dry, now i have one question about the jets, the kit has a little **** that says N20 jet 42= 75HP and the 55=100 hp, but a friend of mine told me that the jets are different for the wet and dry kits, that for a dry the 42 jet means 100HP and the 55=125 0r so is this correct, which jet is the 100 hp one. Thanks

Umm...stop what your doing and properly install that you have or you'll have a blown engine. Then after you get the kit installed properly call the manufacter and get he correct jet numbers/sizes.