89 Sunroof stripping


New Member
Jul 27, 2005
i just bought replacement weatherstripping for my GT; it didnt come w/ install instructions and i cant find any anywhere online.
any info would be appreciated.

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This is the stuff that fits on the glass right? The weatherstripping is beaded in such a way it looks like felt right?

The weatherstripping is slotted and you just snap it on the sunroof like you would if you were putting weatherstripping around your door frames.

It goes around the frame of the glass and is visible (obviously) when your sunroof is in the locked position. I guess you got yourself a sunroof that didn't previously have any weatherstripping on it cause it fits the same way as the original stock did except it's made from better more weather tolerant material.
Shakerhood said:
Does the new stripping come with the flat black peice of metal that goes around the sunroof glass?

No it doesn't. The weatherstripping looks and works pretty much like door jam or hatch/trunk weatherstripping. Only difference from thye sunroof stuff as compared to the door and trunk stuff is it's slotting, cut, and that the surface of the stuff is covered in felt-like material.

I think I know why you're asking. The metal on your is rusty right? Just sand it down and paint it.

I don't know if this (metal trim) is something you can take from another sunroof and exchange on yours.
PonyBoy90 said:
No it doesn't. The weatherstripping looks and works pretty much like door jam or hatch/trunk weatherstripping. Only difference from thye sunroof stuff as compared to the door and trunk stuff is it's slotting, cut, and that the surface of the stuff is covered in felt-like material.

I think I know why you're asking. The metal on your is rusty right? Just sand it down and paint it.

I don't know if this (metal trim) is something you can take from another sunroof and exchange on yours.

Yeah, that is why I asked. It gets worse over time, I keep getting the Dremel out and cleaning off the bad areas and touching them up, but more appear again!