Advice on going to a gym...

I agree with a lot posted already. Cut out all the soda, drink crystal light if you want something sweet. Get some protein powder, a good multivitamin, drink 1-2 gallons of water per day(I know its been said multiple times but this is a BIG deal). By the sounds of it your diet is very high in carbs/fat/sodium, which comes from eating processed foods. The protein powder will at least help your body get the protein it needs. Depending on when you go to bed, cut out carbs 4-5 hours before that. If you need food before you go to bed, eat some tuna or cottage cheese.

I know your busy with school but everyone can find 45 min to an hour a day to workout. I usually lift 4x a week and do cardio 2x week. Find out what works best for you and stick to it. Good luck


Water is the key here and less junk food...should see results within acouple weeks from just those changes and if you add running or lifting to the mix you will definitely see the changes i would not add protein shakes into the mix until you start doing alot of cardio because you may just retain the fat and get aggrivated with no weight loss.
It has been stated lots already, but water.....Without any other changes in diet or daily activity I am a solid 10 pounds lighter after 2 weeks of only drinking water. I do have to drink a glass of juice in the morning, water hurts if it's the first thing in. Having said that, I re-lapse regularly into the dark underworld of corn syrup and sugar.
It's all math. 3500 calories make up 1 pound of fat. If you want to lose 4 pounds a month, you need to cut 14,000 calories off of what your body's maintenance amount is. That number is somewhat subjective, but the number 11 has always worked for me. So if you weigh 212...

212 * 11 = 2332. That's the number of calories that you can take in, in a day, and not do anything except sit on the couch and breath, and not gain or lose a pound. Its what your body uses to maintain itself.

So to lose 1 pound a week, you need to only consume 1832 calories a day and the weight will start coming off. This will work, but it has diminishing returns; in two months when you weigh 204 pounds, you'll need to cut your caloric intake down to (204 * 11) - 500, or 1744 calories per day to maintain that same rate.

This is where exercise comes in. Say at 212 you lift weights hard for an hour, which is ~400 calories of extra energy use. Now you only have to cut 100 calories from your diet that day, because you burned extra calories working out.

Now put those two together... you burn 900 extra calories that day. So if you lift 3 times a week, you're burning 900*3 + 500*4, or 4700 calories that week... that is ~1.3 pounds a week of weight lost! If you want to lose 30 pounds, then you have to maintain something like this for around 6 months, which is not easy. You can definitely accelerate that pace depending on how hard you want to hit it, but that's what I consider a reasonable and doable diet plan.

In terms of running, that will work, but I just don't like running. It's boring. I also like the body composition changes better from lifting then running. When I was in college, and not in season for crew, I lifted three times a week and did cardio two times a week, and took the weekend completely off.

Adam're getting fat because you eat garbage and sit on your ass playing video games? Wow, that's suprising. I think you know the answer to your dilema, man. It sounds like you need to just get out and do things. Hell, go out and wash your car! Don't give me the "cold weather" excuse either haha.

I'm a full time student also, taking 16 credits this term in my EET program so I know about the studying thing. Try standing (not sitting) while you are studying. I hit the gym 5 days a week but I also have a pullup bar and dip rack that I use everytime I take a break.

how do you expect me to study standing up??? chemistry requires doing calculations i need to sit down problems can take over an hour each easily...
you think im full of it huh? I spent spent 5 hours last night studying for my DSP midterm today (you want to talk math?) about 75 percent of it was standing. What, you dont have a counter in your house? You cant operate a calculator standing up? I was only trying to help you man.
3 days a week full body compound exercises ( squats, deadlift , bench,....) large muscle groups first. 8-12 reps 2-3 reps moderate weight. no more than 60 seconds between sets or exercise change. 45-60 minutes 3 times a week for 6 weeks. This will burn fat quick, cardio will get your heart rate up but doesn't burn fat like everybody thinks it does. Lean muscle burns fat, more lean muscle, more calorie burning.

I think you meant to say "sets" here?

...and I agree. The more lean muscle mass you've got, the easier it is toburn calories and keep the weight off.
I had a take home test for analytical chemistry last year that i worked on for 22 hours strait...

one problem took 6 of that...

Yeah, that doesn't sound like fun to me. Sure sounds like you are a motivated individual though. I don't think I studied for 22 hours in my cumulative college career. I thought college was too easy. I slept though almost all my classes.

Hey Adam,

I live in hotels half the year, working out on a regular/routine basis can be a pain, let alone trying to eat right...

Drinking a ton of water is a good tip, I think. No calories, keeps you hydrated. Trying to eat between classes/on the food is the easiest. However, not the healthiest. Big thing is to try alternatives...brown bag it. Make a sandwich, bring some fruit, veggies. Yeah the food that is good for you isn't the best tasting (ie who wants cottage cheese when you can get a burger) It's a personal commitment you have to make.

I spend from 5 to 12 hours on a airplane at a time (for work) I use to bring Gatorade and some junk off the shelf at the convience store. Now its a water bottle and something from home, ie fruit and the like. Makes a difference. At the hotels, I park far from the door, take the what I can. Most hotels have a small gym, not routine for me, but gotta do what you gotta do. Even made up my own "hotel workout" about 25 mins of aerobics...except I don't put on a spandex outfit.

Just me, but going for a good run worked wonders for me...did it when I was deployed one time. Started with a 1.5 run, got up to 5miles a day...and I own a car and think if you're gonna move 5 miles you should drive...that and eating good, and I'm not talking a strict diet...I lost 30 lbs in 2.5 months. Of course couldn't drink beer when deployed, and that is a biggie in itself (a six pack is about 600+/_ calories....

My suggestion is make a commitment a stick it out...if you got to get up a half hour early to go for a run despite the cold weather...just do it. Have an apple for a snack, skip McD's for lunch and have a salad. Really, just burn more then you take in...

If you like the gym...I do the eliptical for about an hour , then some minor weight training for about 30. When the weather isn't bad I hit the track for a 2 mile run...yeah it's not olympic training but works for me. I go when it's empty though, that can eat time if you have to wait for a bench or other equiptment.

good luck

i dont and wont eat anything green... no fruits no vegs for me... I dont want to bulk up at all my arms are already decent and my legs are still cut even after 5 years of not playing soccer... if anything i need to work on my abs and get my back strong again... i think i have a messed up disk in my lower back... i throw it out every once in awhile...i went to the gym on wend. it was full so i took a jog in the snow i got a friend thats in deeper then me and smokes too so that helped me keep a slow pace we ran till we couldn't go farther and walked till recovered and ran again... went about 2 miles... im going to just do that 2 days a week and switch to diet soda and see if i notice a change. Ill start biking when the weather gets right tons a woods to venture here in jersey. Me and my roommate usually go about 10 miles each trip out... Its all dirt and sand so its a hell of a workout...
Here is some pics from the last ride we took we found a lake in the middle of the woods and some old grave stones from early 1800's
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